
The Omote/Ura honing debate is not isolated to Western users. Barbers were/are taught several ways. My barber, who gave me my first stone and Kamisori, taught me a rough 10/1 ratio, saying that Ura honing was more to help control burr formation rather than actual honing. My wife's Uncle, who is also a barber, was taught not to hone the Ura at all.

Mizuochi-san, the current maker of Iwasaki kamisori, said that he hones his at something closer to 2/1, perhaps 1/.75.

Personally, I have gotten my best edges using a steep ratio. It all changes depending on the size of stone you use and the pressure you apply, but when using a smaller razor hone I use roughly 5/1.

Dan, I'll call some people and see if they're happy sharing more details about their steel.