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Thread: Mirror finish

  1. #31
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    It's ok everyone is entitled to there own opinion. This is after 400 grit
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  2. #32
    Pithy Yet Degenerate. ryanjewell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tylerbrycen View Post
    It's ok everyone is entitled to there own opinion. This is after 400 grit
    Just a tip...I would alternate directions ever time I changed 220 tail to nose, 360 spine to edge, 400 tail to forth and so on. It really helps you see when you have removed all the scratches.

  3. #33
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    Nice Boker that should turn out nicely. Looks to be in really nice shape. Don't think it should take much to make it shine.

  4. #34
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    I just need to concertrate on the sandid. And when I use Marco mesh how do I use it I have all sorts of Grits but I'm not sure how to use them

  5. #35
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    From the pictures I would go up to like 1500 or 2000 grit and then spend 20-30min polishing it and see how it turns out. Might not really have to go as high as the micro mesh, but I guess it all depends on what you are going for. As for mirror finish I have one that I can read the date off of a dollar bill, but still shows pitting. If you are wanting it to be free from all imperfections you might be aiming to high, but that is just my thoughts. I have OCD when it comes to stuff like this and sometimes I have to force myself to put something down and say that is enough cause no matter how far I go I can always find something wrong with it. Micro mesh I use like any other sand paper. I've used the cushioned pad types makes it easier to mold to the form of the razor. Also when I use sandpaper I cut them into widths as the razor and about 2 inch strips makes it easier to control, but others might find that excessive cause your fingers will tend to hurt after awhile doing that.
    Last edited by JSmith1983; 04-05-2012 at 07:27 PM.

  6. #36
    RazorBase DB application developer
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    I've found that wrapping the micro mesh round the blade (from the spine side, obviously!) and rubbing up and down works pretty well. Since you've got the blade free of the scales, you might find that putting a small nail through the pivot hole makes the blade much easier to grip:
    Name:  DSCN8402.jpg
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    For sanding the flat parts (the sides of the tang), you can put the micromesh face up on a piece of scrap wood and sand the blade back and forth over it.

    Seems to take forever, though - put a DVD on!

  7. #37
    Senior Member Tylerbrycen's Avatar
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    I would like to to be able to see a perfect reflection

  8. #38
    At Last, my Arm is Complete Again!! tinkersd's Avatar
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    That's OK, I think a fine satin finish on a highly tuned Str8 blade is a thing of beauty of in itself!!

    Buy if mirror is what you want, you will, as others have said, need to puchase your self a Buffing set up with a good motor, ideal? 1750Rpm's and about 1/2 Hp Thoug I have use 1/3Hp one that seems to put out a honest amount of work.

    JMHO have fun what ever you decide, that's what its all about this great hobby of our!

    Most Sincerley, tinkersd

  9. #39
    Senior Member proximus26's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanCerManNor View Post
    you can get sandpaper up to at least 5000 grit and micro mesh pads up to 12000 grit, they use them alot to make pens and other stuff, also what kind of compound do you have and use?, i bought a sample of all sandpaper grits (1000,2000,3000,5000), he didnt have any more 4000 left in stock when i ordered or i would have gotten that one to. also bought a pack of "micro mesh pads" just to test them (1500,1800,2400,3200,3600,4000,6000,8000,12000), same goes for compounds, i just ordered a pack of all the different compounds in one package. Dont know how they are compared to the 3 (green,Grey,Black) i ordered from SRD thou, but needed for other materials aswell. Hope you get a hang on it, always nice to see new shiny SR
    I guess if I would have to purchase all required material mentioned above I would be better off just buying NOS :-) This are just mine thoughts :-)

    Regards all

  10. #40
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tylerbrycen View Post
    I would like to to be able to see a perfect reflection
    My young apprentice; Like and Need are two entirely different concepts!

    Did you find the razors that you sent me and I had put into new scales, then polished and honed and sent to you unsatisfactory? As my memory recalls you were delighted with the results including the finish on the blades!

    Perfection can be a very misleading and dangerous goal! While I have on occasion misused the term ‘Mirror Finish’, Glen is Correct in that a ‘Near Mirror’ finish is achievable but not always desirable!!

    Patience and Tolerance are always desirable!!

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