Oh it's been sitting but that's so I can cool down and go at it with a slower pace. All the honing was to see where the top of the bevel was at. It's impossible to see without some sort of shine against it. I took a lot more of the old wedge out at the spine too. You can see it under the tape real well but it's gone now too. I am just at the point where I am afraid of going to far. If I sand that blade to thin at the bevel it will show up the same as if it's thick. Would be easier with a large wide grinding wheel but that is a few more bucks down the road. I honed it with 2 layers of tape so far but will use just 1 when I go for the final bevel. I do know the hone frustration though. I sat down to hone 8 and got 4 right LOL. Then I am not real crazy happy about using them as they are smaller blades. Thanks for the encouragement, I will keep at it. I got 2 maybe 3 more of these old guys to fix up and some scales to make. The whole learning process is necessary as I want to make my own from scratch someday soon. Already gathering parts for a knife forge and oven build and thinking about grinding.