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Thread: Please Show Some Respect for Your Potential Clients!

  1. #21
    Senior Member Jimbo7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    I don't know much about it, but I'm thinking this is just a software or web design thing. I'm pretty sure no one's trying to "trick" anyone or deliberately frustrate you, they are simply working within the limitations of the web design they purchased.James
    I was actually thinking that, too. But then, this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    We thought about pulling the razors not in stock from the site until they came in, but all this does is send folks to other sites on searches who also don't have razors and do not pull the out of stock items.
    Seems more like a business decision than a software problem.

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WadePatton View Post
    Methinks my post was misunderstood. Let's try again.

    I do understand small biz. I'd love for SRD to make zillions. I have no interest in buying a new razor.

    I only looked at their razors cataloged "for sale" to see why another person (not the op here, the OP in a similar thread a month or two back) was complaining.

    I don't think everyone commenting has actually has tried this.

    I just did.

    I went to SRD, Dovo, clicked through the first 10 razors listed for sale. Nine of them are "out of stock". (hey the "next" button saves some clicking)

    The point is that it might be better for sales if folks didn't get frustrated actually trying to find a razor to purchase from the dozens and dozens cataloged. It's like going down to the car dealer and picking a showroom model to purchase, but you can't have it.

    Small Biz works really efficiently (efficiency is related to profit and biz is about making profit) when folks can send you money for your products _without_ having to interrupt your work for every single sale. Or stated another way: Small Biz places limitations upon itself when each customer has to have personal real-time interaction for every transaction--ESPECIALLY when they're only "windows shopping" and aren't really Cash-in-Hand potential customers.

    Small Biz operated as a hobby/second-income might not need to be concerned with efficiencies. Small Biz in which the proprietor(s) need/want to make a LIVING WAGE should pay attention to such details.

    SRD operations/motivations/profitability is none of my business. I wish them much success and hope to continue to be able to buy shaving products from them long into the future. I will continue to go to SRD first when considering shaving products.


    /im done here
    I have done the same thing and had the frustrations that others do, BUT I just hang in (since its a hobby for me) and search until I find what I want.

    No offense, but "methinks" maybe you don't understand the way your written words come across. As Lynn has pointed out in the meantime, there is a great razor shortage, just like, shooters know there's a crisis in ammo supply. Big and small businesses have exactly the same issues on their websites that those venors of quality SRs have. If that were a hobby you had you'd face the same frustrations on that front.

    My point is it's not easily solvable for vendors. If you have some particular insight as to a real-world solution, I'd for one would love to read about it.
    Lynn and sharptonn like this.

  3. #23
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    Hey, I am the OP and I never made a reference to any vendor. I don't like the turn this took. I've ordered a couple of times from SRD and they had what I was looking for......just to be clear.
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  4. #24
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    yea, these vendors, let me tell you. We should fix them good.

    So I go on to my favorite site to order some socks and after making my selections and indicating the size and the colors they say sold out. So I try a few others and they say sold out. So what is the world coming to when you can't get some socks. So someone recommends this custom guy Juan Jose Toledo-calcetines and he tells me he's backed up for months cause he's adapting his custom socks to Straight razor Covers and he has thousands on order. Someone says I should buy vintage but I'm not buying no second hand stinky smelly socks.

    I mean what's the world coming to. I could get the Pakistani socks but they fall apart real fast and I understand there is some guy in Idaho selling questionable quality socks too.

    Someone said it's because all those folks in third world countries who never wore socks before and now that they have good paying jobs they can afford them so the manufacturers are a year behind.

    There must be an alternative. Hmm...maybe disposable socks. How many wears can I get from them? Anyone know?
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  6. #25
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    I remember it being posted on this site several times that there is a world wide shortage of straights. I was visiting Phil at the Classic Edge at the beginning of summer and he said then that they're back ordered 800 razors, when they get razors, they get them in bursts, and a random few come in, and then there gone in literally hours or days.

    Go to any of the sites, they're all sold out, and why change the menu items just to have to change them back. When they're sold out, it say's sold out, when they're in stock, you can purchase one.

    Like I said, this issue has been posted many, many times before...
    Haroldg48 likes this.

  7. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    We (almost) all agree. Let's end this thread.
    JBHoren and sharptonn like this.

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  9. #27
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post

    There must be an alternative. Hmm...maybe disposable socks. How many wears can I get from them? Anyone know?
    Maybe 3-5 wears, but it's kind a of YMMV thing. It depends on whether your feet are very coarse or soft. Proper prep work needs to be mastered before you just pull up a pair socks. You need to adequately soak your feet in hot water for a few minutes and then thoroughly dry them. Lotion afterwards may extend the life of disposable socks.

  10. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Anyone needs socks I have some lightly used listed in our classifieds, just a little wear at the heel and the toe ....... if that sounds familiar

    I haven't read much of this thread beyond this last page, but in case no one pointed it out. Dovo A.K.A. Merkur also makes DEs and other cutlery. It ain't exactly General Motors. So I imagine they prioritize their production accordingly. TI, and whoever is making Boker are not huge operations and they aren't getting rich making straight razors so I imagine they will keep on plugging away at the level they've had success with in the past. Ralf Aust is a family operation ....... so it is not surprising that razors are out of stock some of the time.

    As for the vendors, it's a given that they are as disappointed as the potential buyer when they don't have the goods to sell through no fault of their own. It may be frustrating to continually click on a thumbnail only to find the item is out of stock. They are also small operations with little, if any, staff. Knowing what little I do about posting stuff on web pages I'm not surprised they leave the item in place and just let the buyer know whether it is in stock or not.

    Try finding some Alliant Unique or 2400 powder at Midway ....... same frustration. Way of the world nowadays.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  11. #29
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Are many fine blades right under your nose folks,SRP classifieds.
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  12. #30
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Anyone needs socks I have some lightly used listed in our classifieds, just a little wear at the heel and the toe ....... if that sounds familiar

    I haven't read much of this thread beyond this last page, but in case no one pointed it out. Dovo A.K.A. Merkur also makes DEs and other cutlery. It ain't exactly General Motors. So I imagine they prioritize their production accordingly. TI, and whoever is making Boker are not huge operations and they aren't getting rich making straight razors so I imagine they will keep on plugging away at the level they've had success with in the past. Ralf Aust is a family operation ....... so it is not surprising that razors are out of stock some of the time.

    As for the vendors, it's a given that they are as disappointed as the potential buyer when they don't have the goods to sell through no fault of their own. It may be frustrating to continually click on a thumbnail only to find the item is out of stock. They are also small operations with little, if any, staff. Knowing what little I do about posting stuff on web pages I'm not surprised they leave the item in place and just let the buyer know whether it is in stock or not.

    Try finding some Alliant Unique or 2400 powder at Midway ....... same frustration. Way of the world nowadays.
    Well-Said, Jimmy. As usual!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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