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Thread: Shipping issue

  1. #1
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    Default Shipping issue

    So I bought a brush from a seller in China on Sept.14th. It had tracking only it took them a few extra days to ship they said it was some festival over there. So no biggie. It arrived in the US in NY and sat for a few days. Then it said it was handed to customs on Monday the 26th and a few hours later it said it was delivered. It never went to my post office and never came to me. What does this mean? I don't understand how it can have a status of delivered if it never left customs.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I would contact the vendor. Sooner is better.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rideon66 View Post
    So I bought a brush from a seller in China on Sept.14th. It had tracking only it took them a few extra days to ship they said it was some festival over there. So no biggie. It arrived in the US in NY and sat for a few days. Then it said it was handed to customs on Monday the 26th and a few hours later it said it was delivered. It never went to my post office and never came to me. What does this mean? I don't understand how it can have a status of delivered if it never left customs.
    Hang loose for another couple of days. Customs seems to create 'issues' with tracking notices.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member JSmith1983's Avatar
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    Yea customs and tracking don't really work together. I think what has happened is that it was delivered to the post office. I've had a few things state delivered and then later changed to accepted at the post office. If you purchased the item on eBay don't go by their tracking info. I have found that most times it is off. Go directly to tracking site and enter the number.

  5. #5
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    I opened a request letting the seller know I still wanted it but it did not arrive and what the issue was. Hopefully they can figure it out or it will soon arrive.

  6. #6
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    Ok now it just got worse. According to the USPS tracking website it says it was delivered to my mailbox at 2pm on Monday.

    I understand ebay tracking is off, but it says it was handed over to customs on the day that the USPS tracking says it was delivered.
    Last edited by rideon66; 09-28-2016 at 03:22 PM.

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I've never seen it notated like that. Usually it says customs acceptance and customs clearance and then arrival at USPS sort center.

    I'd give it a few days to get to you before worrying about it.
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  8. #8
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    Something isn't right with the Post office. I need to talk with them again. It is stated that is was delivered at 2 in the afternoon on Monday and I know they didn't come till after dark that day. I went and got the mail as they drove up the street. So it wasn't stolen. Plus they said they would have her call me. My postman is a man.

    Edit. Just talked to postal service. I think they sent it to the wrong address.
    Last edited by rideon66; 09-28-2016 at 05:39 PM.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by rideon66 View Post
    Edit. Just talked to postal service. I think they sent it to the wrong address.

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  10. #10
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    Glad to hear that you know where the package is. I would like to comment on the tracking issue. I have been involved in Customs related business for most of my career. It does not really work the way that you think. "At Customs" is all electronic. That means that an electronic filing was made. At some point the package would have passed a warehouse where a Customs officer would have had the opportunity to physically inspect the package. You would be surprised at how many packages are not physically inspected. However, the couriers (UPS, FedEx, USPS) have special rules that allow them to maintain control of the package but continue moving it to the final destination. During this time the electronic submission is reviewed by Customs and then "released". All of this is electronic. Sometimes the release is in seconds, sometimes in days. I won't get into why the difference. If Customs decided they wanted to inspect the package, the carrier has to bring it back to a place of inspection. If they get the release, they are allowed to deliver it to you. I have found thru years of experience that the driver will deliver the package before the electronic release is posted. They are not supposed to do it, but it happens. Usually the release happens while it is enroute.
    Basically, by having the release and delivery process happen at the same time your package is not delayed.
    rolodave likes this.

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