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Thread: Wanted 1 Gallon B positive blood

  1. #11
    Member 430pat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obie View Post

    I don't know what you are doing to have that many cuts after 15 shaves. I can only assume . . .

    1. Rushing your shave.
    2. Lacking concentration.
    3. Excessive pressure.
    4. Wrong angle, perhaps too steep.
    5. Mediocre preparation.
    6. Not a shave ready razor.
    7. Improper stretching.
    8. Not stretching.

    Obviously something is wrong with this picture. Yes, initially nicks are part of learning this craft. From what I gather, you're having a nicking party. This should not be. Please review what I have noted above and make the proper adjustments. That might help. Thanks.
    You forgot #9 wife in shower behind your mirror loose concentration
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  2. #12
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 430pat View Post
    You forgot #9 wife in shower behind your mirror loose concentration
    You have 9 wives?
    Lazarus and Haroldg48 like this.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  3. #13
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 430pat View Post
    You forgot #9 wife in shower behind your mirror loose concentration
    Ah, a good point to add to the list. On the other hand, I would forget about the shave.

  4. #14
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    I say; STOP what you're doing and break out the DE razor for a week or longer while your face heals and you don't catch those scabs and cuts with the straight. If you can't do that, then just shave WTG until you can be consistently laceration free (small nicks don't count).
    Oh, and better invest in more spare pillow cases
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  5. #15
    Senior Member Siguy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smflee View Post
    I say; STOP what you're doing and break out the DE razor for a week or longer while your face heals and you don't catch those scabs and cuts with the straight. If you can't do that, then just shave WTG until you can be consistently laceration free (small nicks don't count).
    Oh, and better invest in more spare pillow cases
    No, no, no! With all due respect, stay with the straight. Limit yourself to WTG pass for now. Concentrate on weight of the blade only passes, angle of no more than 30 degrees, proper face prep and stropping.

    Don't go back to the DE or cartridge unless you want to do the XTG or ATG passes. At least get one pass done. A WTG pass. Coming from having just done a DE experiment for a month and back to SR, I don't recommend a haphazard switch.

  6. #16
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    I've been shaving with a SR for better than 30 years and I still nick myself. Yesterday I did it with my Otto Deutsch, then made the mistake of trying to do a clean up with the DE and really dug in.
    SRP. Where the Wits aren't always as sharp as the Razors

  7. #17
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitstik View Post
    I've been shaving with a SR for better than 30 years and I still nick myself.
    Hopefully not as often as the OP.
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  8. #18
    Senior Member guitstik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    Hopefully not as often as the OP.
    Yesterday was the first in a VERY, VERY long time.
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    SRP. Where the Wits aren't always as sharp as the Razors

  9. #19
    Member 430pat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siguy View Post
    No, no, no! With all due respect, stay with the straight. Limit yourself to WTG pass for now. Concentrate on weight of the blade only passes, angle of no more than 30 degrees, proper face prep and stropping.

    Don't go back to the DE or cartridge unless you want to do the XTG or ATG passes. At least get one pass done. A WTG pass. Coming from having just done a DE experiment for a month and back to SR, I don't recommend a haphazard switch.
    Thanks I will continue with the SR I have been getting nice shaves. Losing a little blood is probably good for me they used to use leaches I gues I am saving money not having to buy the leaches

  10. #20
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When you keep cutting the same spots over and over (this is common) it's usually a sign there is a facility problem with the razor in that area. Those are areas you need to focus on and figure out how to stop doing that. It might be additional stretching or maybe you at the limit with that hand or grip and need to change for that area.

    I remember with me it was always the left side of my chin just below the mouth. I finally realized for some strange reason when shaving that area I'd like automatically increase the angle of the blade. Once I payed close attention to what I was doing and stopped that the nicks stopped. However to this day when I reach that area I have to slow down and think angle otherwise I will seemingly revert to a too sharp angle there.
    JTmke and EdwinM like this.
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