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  1. #11
    Let's talk Horsehair newb's Avatar
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    Trust me on this one. It's easier to say, Oh, I'm sorry, Than to ask for permission. Long live RAD !

  2. #12
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dyimages View Post

    I will have to start that with Razors too. Only buy ones with black scales, Then i can pass it off as the one I bought when she was with me for 15.00....

    That's a fantastic idea, wish I would have thought of that. Just the other day, SWMBO questioned me about a few new razor acquisitions, so I compared what I spent on a few razors vs. what she recently spent on clothes ($150 to her $380)....chirp chirp chirp...her silence was my victory!

  3. #13
    I BLEED BLUE nycexit2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReardenSteel View Post

    That's a fantastic idea, wish I would have thought of that. Just the other day, SWMBO questioned me about a few new razor acquisitions, so I compared what I spent on a few razors vs. what she recently spent on clothes ($150 to her $380)....chirp chirp chirp...her silence was my victory!

    I have to count her shoes!!!

  4. #14
    Just starting out MikeMN's Avatar
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    Default The three prices you pay

    There is the price you pay. There is the price you tell your wife you paid. Then there is the price you pay when she finds out what you really paid.
    Last edited by MikeMN; 04-26-2011 at 06:46 AM.

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  6. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    Tell her your "Testing" them...When packages come to the house, I tell my wife they're samples, or Razor's I'm honing for someone...She's getting wise though. Nothing ever leaves....

    Gosh if nothing ever leaves... Just PM me and
    I will give you my address so you can solve that

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  8. #16
    Member deadrift's Avatar
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    So good to find so many suffering the same afflictions and circumstances! My particular SWMBO is into scrap booking; paper, digital and otherwise. The reality is that I haven't found a hobby to match pace with hers yet! And you can bet I keep my mouth shut about it too....

  9. #17
    Senior Member LoriB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LegalBeagle View Post
    My wife recently found my stash spot under the stairs. She told me it was like I was hiding families during WWII... Thankfully, she has a clothes shopping habit, so there's not much room to complain!
    HAHAHAHA...a stash spot for razors. I remember when a "stash" meant something completely different.

    I only have one razor so far but my husband forbade me to buy one at all so I guess I'm off to a good start in the "Razor? What razor?" department. I guess I'll need to find my own stash spot now. At least my husband will laugh when he sees it's just razors instead of something really illegal.


  10. #18
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    You guys have it easy. My wife has RAD. I know you guys think that is great, but now I have to convince her that we have to eat as well.

    Do any of you believe me?
    She does have RAD, but I enjoy every last second of the insanity. Heck it means one more custom, just picked up a pair of Brummels, a new Torrey, a Champion, a Helje, an Engstrom, a W&B, a spike and only one of those is going to another home (so far). I have finally gotten to a point where this hobby pays for itself. I'm not making bank on it, but between brush sales and restored razors I can usually afford one or two here and there. The problem comes when I need to refill the paypal account.

    Hey maybe you could sell her on that point.
    leadingedge likes this.

  11. #19
    Some kind of Zombie BigJim's Avatar
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    Yeah, I just pulled a spread from e-bay along with an amazon purchase AND some new tools for razor restorations. All of this was precipitated by the discovery of a rebate check from a Christmas gift (the gift was for me, ergo the rebate was also for me). However, I well exceeded the amount on the rebate check. The tools were justified as useful for far more than just razor stuff (true...mothers day gift has already been crafted thanks to these); the amazon purchase was so that I could get free shipping on an order for work (though I had to get one more soap b/c it came with a travel case and I'll be on the road in a couple weeks); the ebay purchases were "watch list" items I couldn't resist after finding out I had money to play with and could therefore allow myself to look at razors online.

    The counter to my expenditures she's gotten lots of fabric for crafts around the house (curtains, easter clothes, etc.) and she's getting new clothes now as all her maternity clothes no longer fit (PTL) and she needed some new clothes before she got pregnant.

    Still, I'm trying to think if there's a good place I could secret my razor purchases away in an underground railroad type fashion! That which hits the fan may yet strike here!


  12. #20
    Texas Guy from Missouri LarryAndro's Avatar
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    Tell your wife to pipe down about the number of razors in your razor roll or you will order a "wife roll" and start collecting!
    newb likes this.

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