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Thread: How often do you cut yourself? Be Honest...

  1. #41
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    Twice while using a point the first time. Weepers I don't count since I get them with twin blade blue commercial razors.

  2. #42
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    Twice with a square point as well, but I haven't had a nick in about a year

  3. #43
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Never. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

  4. #44
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    Every time i put a disposable razor on my face , so i stick by the straight.
    If i have a hurry i do'nt shave.

  5. #45
    Junior Member cenzo's Avatar
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    So I'm reading this thread and it occurs to me that I must have a lot to learn. I see blood far too frequently. Not bad cuts but something just a bit more severe than a weeper. The truth is, sometimes I just have no idea where the little nicks come from. There I am shaving away with great enjoyment and all of the sudden I'm bleeding.
    When I first started a few months ago I cut myself three times in two shaves. Just at the lowest part of my cheek bone. I figured the angles out and that area hasn't been a problem since.

    I have on hell of a time with my neck as it has a funky grain and a terrible hollow spot that I just can't seem to get. I've nicked a few times there and given myself some serious razor burn due to my habit of just scraping away with no real finesse. But again, I've learned a bit and it seems to be going better. Not faster. Just a bit better.

    And dumb careless mistakes happen. They happen very infrequently and they result in small cuts that are never more than a styptic pencil away from disappearing, but they do happen.

    But I'm not talking about anything like that. I understand why I've bled big. I just don't understand these mystery cuts. Does anyone else feel my pain?

    Truthfully the places I have expected to cut myself as a beginner have never been a problem. The chin? Child's play. the jawline? Simple. But the corner of my mouth? Nevermind. It's going to bleed.

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnus View Post
    Never. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
    Me too!I know when to back off and I shave slow.A relaxed,flexible grip will tell you when the blade is about to dig in.But then I have some experience in skinning animals to save the hide fore later use.It all comes down to feel,you learn by doing!

  7. #47
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    I had the razor in my right hand and released my left to grab a bottle that I bumped to keep it from falling and took a chunk out of my face about a size of half of a pea. It took over an hour with septic and toilet paper to quit bleeding. There is a hole in the healing spot. Moral to the story.......clear your space on your counter when shaving.

  8. #48
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    It's tempting fate to answer a question like that.
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    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

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  10. #49
    Senior Member pmburk's Avatar
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    Good question!
    I might cut myself say, once every 2-3 months. It's purely from not paying attention to what I am doing and allowing my mind to wander a bit. My cuts have been like a paper cut, very fine and hard to see and little bleeding.

    I actually nick myself with my Edwin Jagger 89L DE razor more than my straights!

    My favorite nick and minor cut treatment are these styptic swabs called Kutkit Styptic Swabs. They are in my local Rite Aid drugstore and I have not had any luck locating them in other pharmacies. You can order them online too:
    Kutkit Styptic Swabs for Men and Women, 12 ct. : cotton balls & swabs

    For real minor nicks and cuts, the Thayer's Witch Hazel with lemon and aloe does the trick for me.

    Last edited by pmburk; 03-06-2012 at 11:39 AM. Reason: grammar errors

  11. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by pmburk View Post
    I might cut myself say, once every 2-3 months. It's purely from not paying attention to what I am doing and allowing my mind to wander a bit. My cuts have been like a paper cut, very fine and hard to see and little bleeding.
    That sounds familiar, Patrick. I like to call them "love bites" lol....
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