• Featured Shave of the Day 2011-07-15

    I haven't posted here in a while, so I figured it's time to

    Razor: Joseph Rodgers - ivory/ivory tang
    Strop: Kanayama (vintage, don't remember which number)
    Cream: Castle Forbes Lavender
    Brush: Rooney's Finest
    AfterShave: Pre de Provence
    EdT: Hermes Un Jardin sur le Nil

    Picture of my summery drink, no.209 gin & Q tonic along with the razor. I thought the modern upscale version of a 19th century drink goes perfectly with the max-polished 19th century luxury razor.

    Noswad, eleblu05 and planetocean like this.
    This article was originally published in forum thread: Sun July 010th - Sat July 17th started by Maximilian View original post