Paul Fisher 58 Square Point-AOS Soap and Cream-24MM Amboyna Burl Silvertip-DB 1.5 Scuttle-Lubriderm 3 in 1 ASB-Kouros Cologne

DFS in 3 pass. 2 WTG 1 ATG. I absolutely love this razor and found myself laughing while shaving that I LOVE ALL my razors...I'm still trying to find a "sweet spot" with the AOS soap and cream. It seems to have a thin range of too dry or too wet.
The urge is hitting me again so I may start making new scales for a few(12) old razors that are currently not in rotation and need some TLC.
Off to lunch with friends and then start honing the 4K/8K JaNorton pair. Have a great day all!