Pre shave prep: Hot shower using Yardley Oatmeal and Almond
Followed that with hot towels.
Shaving cream: C. O. Bigelow
Brush: VDH Boar
Razor #1 Boker SS St. Louis straight for one pass, with the grain
Razor #2 Gillette Lady Gillette
Blade: Dollar Store Dorco
Post shave wrap up:
Cold water splash followed by Aloe Vera gel. Cleaned and oiled my SR to let dry.
Swiss Army AS balm
Halston AS
Followed that with hot towels.
Shaving cream: C. O. Bigelow
Brush: VDH Boar
Razor #1 Boker SS St. Louis straight for one pass, with the grain
Razor #2 Gillette Lady Gillette
Blade: Dollar Store Dorco
Post shave wrap up:
Cold water splash followed by Aloe Vera gel. Cleaned and oiled my SR to let dry.
Swiss Army AS balm
Halston AS