Pre: H2O
Brush: TGN 20mm Silvertip in a Penworks Handle (Self set...)
Lather: WSP 'Amber Vanille' and RS 'Moisturizing'- Uber is how I typically roll nowadays
Head- First Pass: Gem 'G-Body' was 1/4 Pass w/Dorco Blade and stopped- Fail
Head- Subsequent Passes: Merkur 'Progress'- Long-Handled w/Personna Blue 'Med Prep'
Face: Greaves Survivor Full-Wedge 13/16
Post: Pinaud Clubman

Brush: TGN 20mm Silvertip in a Penworks Handle (Self set...)
Lather: WSP 'Amber Vanille' and RS 'Moisturizing'- Uber is how I typically roll nowadays
Head- First Pass: Gem 'G-Body' was 1/4 Pass w/Dorco Blade and stopped- Fail
Head- Subsequent Passes: Merkur 'Progress'- Long-Handled w/Personna Blue 'Med Prep'
Face: Greaves Survivor Full-Wedge 13/16
Post: Pinaud Clubman