Since the razor made by Joe Chandler and donated by Birnando is such a special donation I am going to have a contest for you to try and then possibly win this prize which is listed below. Oh! and this razor is shave ready.
This contest is going be a lathering contest. This was done some time ago and had a lot of interest and contestants.
The idea of this lathering contest is to come up with different ways to lather your face. You need to be very creative with the idea of making it humorous, amusing, interesting and entertaining. You can do this wherever you are brave enough to do so such as in a public place, at a park, in your home, just wherever you think would be a really cool place to lather your face.
You also will need to take a picture and then post it to this thread so others and the judges can view it (see instructions below for uploading a picture). I and one other Mod will be the judge of this contest and the winner will be announced on May 16th or 17th.
This contest will last for fifteen days ending at 11:59 pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time) after which a winner will be notified either on May 16th or 17th.
After taking your picture you will need to save it in a digital format such as a .jpg file and save it either to a folder or file that you have chosen. The desktop is a good place to do so.
The way to post a picture to this thread is to click on "Reply to this Thread" which is usually located after the last post. Then find "Go Advanced" and click on that. This will bring up a better page. Scroll down to the bottom and find "Attachments" and click on that. This will bring up a page that you can upload your picture to. In the upper right hand corner you will find "+ add files" click on this then click on "select files" at the bottom. This will bring up a box where you can find your picture file. Click on that file and the click "open" and this should upload to this thread. If you wish you can make comments in the text area at the first of the thread. BE SURE TO CLICK ON SAVE BEFORE EXITING YOUR REPLY.
If you have any problems please PM me and I will try to help you.
PS: Please keep these pictures or comments in good form. Any pictures or comments containing derogatory or obscene material will be deleted with an explanation on why it was deleted and you will not be able to enter the contest again. Lets keep it clean.
MAIN PRIZE:#1. An 8/8 shave ready Custom razor by Chandler with Cocobolo Wood scales donated by donated by Birnando. #2. An Edwin Jagger Best Badger handmade in England shaving brush donated by an anonymous donor. #3. A 17" Two Piece Horsehide Leather & Fabric Strop made by the Heirloom Razor Strop Co donated by an anonymous donor. #4. A Large Blue w/white spots Shaving Mug donated by an anonymous donor. #5. A cake of UHD Glycerin Shave Soap w/Vitamin E & Oat Extract for Sensitive Skin & Razor Burn donated by an anonymous donor. #6. A small cube sample of "Plutohunter's Island Scents" Bay Rum Olive Oil Soap donated by an anonymous donor.