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Thread: President of the US of A

  1. #161
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    ABC it's as easy 123..
    ABC baby you and me

    Yep I went there

    (in case you don't get it

    Quote Originally Posted by Hacker7 View Post
    Anyone But Clinton.
    Last edited by gssixgun; 03-03-2016 at 03:32 PM.

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  3. #162
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Obamacare repeal would be a step in the right direction so that's a point in his favor, the biggest drain on the paying taxpayers, so ok. Then maybe that deficit toke board will start going the other way. Tc

    Plus I,m for less taxing of the ones who "EARNED IT"
    I personally don't care for my money to be freely given away. I worked for it not anyone else, and yes, I don't care anymore. The checkbook doesn't balance, we need to reign in all government. I,m not a trump fan but I,m for just about anyone with a pulse who at least will try to stop this freight rain we created by looking the other way. For some reason we are being taxed to death that these "for the people representatives" consistently do everything in their power to take more from the working man. I,m retired and they still take a chunk of my money, how about giving me back just what I put in? How about we find a way to keep the government from encouraging making the free ride system a career. How about them being punished for overdrafts? Breaking laws? ( see Hillary and just about everyone of these public servants who forgot they work for us)
    So the big problem now is as shown by the last 2 elections, is campaign to the ones receiving benefits and you win. But maybe this time the workers and the over burdened, earners will come out in force and send a message. Cause if Trump gets elected that will be the people taking a stand(electing a Crazy man just to be rid of what we have now). Hell I'd vote for Ted Nugent before anyone who,s running now, so I,m at my ropes end too. Tc
    Last edited by tcrideshd; 03-03-2016 at 03:55 PM.
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  4. #163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hacker7 View Post
    I think like others here have said that nobody gets what is happening. We are in the beginning of a revolution. Trump is just the conduit. Average Joe feels like the gov't is out of control. On both sides people are angry with gov't. Trump could be anyone,that's why nothing sticks to him. The People want change on both sides. Think about it, a socialist running in the U.S. and getting votes. A lot has to change but lets start. Trump has to be who he is for this to happen. He is self funding. Nobody else could pull this off because the GOP would have shut him down. Now he is a runaway train. He may still be stopped but the people have spoken. As usual nobody hears us. Prodigy please excuse my grammar. I'm one of the uneducated that supports Trump. Or anyone but Clinton.
    I never said anyone who likes trump is uneducated, might have been someone else. I actually like trump compared to all the other choices on both sides for the exact reasons you stated.

    I do like how when Obama got elected, the re elected, the right was filled with horrible thoughts of what was to come and how bad it would. It's nice to see the liberals squirming with discontent, and the Republicans too!

  5. #164
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    Quote Originally Posted by prodigy View Post
    I never said anyone who likes trump is uneducated, might have been someone else. I actually like trump compared to all the other choices on both sides for the exact reasons you stated.

    I do like how when Obama got elected, the re elected, the right was filled with horrible thoughts of what was to come and how bad it would. It's nice to see the liberals squirming with discontent, and the Republicans too!
    I was referring to what Trump calls the uneducated. In fun I said that because I know you are a stickler on grammar. Lol. No disrespect intended.

    I agree with everything you have said. If anything it will be interesting. Maybe the start of a new party? They all need to get back to basics. A gov't of the people, by the people and for the people. Right now its for themselves.

  6. #165
    Uzi is offline
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    Politics is and always has been the never-ending fight of stupid vs evil. If you are confused about which side you are on, you only have to consider whether you view the other side as stupid or evil and you will immediately know which side you are fighting for.

  7. #166
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    So here goes the GOP, playing Russian roulette with a semi-automatic... Again…

    Good lord man, what good did they think, dragging out Romney to trash the GOP leader, is going to do?

    Keep it up and Hilary will be the next president. And GOP incumbents will drop like flies, which actually may be a good thing.

  8. #167
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Did anyone hear Romney's speech today. WOW. Again, I'm not a Trump fan but Romney sure looked like one when he gracefully accepted his endorsement inthe previous election. This kind of hypocrisy and dishonesty is what has gotten the likes of Romney in so much trouble with voters. That's the trouble with lying all the time. No one knows when to separate the lies from the truth. Romney and the rest of them keep saying that Trump isn't all of this and isnt all of that. But I'm convinced that Trump represents that flushing of the toilet that I mentioned previously. To me, I would choose one of the other two major candidates over Trump - Cruz because he's more closely aligned with my sense of conservatism and Rubio because he seems more electable. But if Trump wins the nomination, he at least serves the purpose of putting a stake through the heart of the Boehner/Bush/McConnell republicans. And a loss like this is about all that will really get their attention. Instead of fighting him so much, they should be getting on board with what their base has been demanding. If they did that, the need for a Trump would disappear.
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  9. #168
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    ABC it's as easy 123..
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    Yep I went there

    (in case you don't get it
    Quote Originally Posted by Hacker7 View Post
    Anyone But Clinton.
    I thought it was "Anyone But Cruz". I guess that was when the republican establishment thought they can simply wait out Trump self-destruct.
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  10. #169
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    I believe this may go down as the single dumbest political move of this century. By Romney firing torpedos at the Trump campaign only confirms to the Trump supporters that he indeed is the only untainted non-establishment candidate running for office. Do they not understand the dynamic happening here? His success is due to the years of GOP waffling and BS thrown at its constituency. They want no more and regardless of their opinions about this man he is at least one thing a fighter and a winner by nature and that itself is rather refreshing to see in a political candidate. The establishment has no control over this guy and can make no campaign money off him and they hate that because its essentially the business they are in.
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  11. #170
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
    But if Trump wins the nomination, he at least serves the purpose of putting a stake through the heart of the Boehner/Bush/McConnell republicans.
    That's not how you win elections (or govern successfully) though - you need to build broad enough coalition and insisting on some ideological purity gets you exactly what Ted Cruz and the 'freedom caucus' have gotten - a bunch of symbolic gestures (dozens of votes to repeal Obamacare), a bunch of high profile casualties that would normally be on your side (Cantor, Boehner, McCarthy), some blunders (the budget sequestration, government shutdown), and nothing of substance from your agenda achieved.

    I'm surprised that so many people are surprised with the Romney speech - this has been going on for months. As I said earlier I find it extremely unlikely that at the end of the primaries the Republican party will get behind the nominee with the unity and enthusiasm that are necessary to win the general election.

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