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Thread: Why is your Username/Nickname?

  1. #301
    I got this . . . Orville's Avatar
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    Got tagged with the moniker "Wilbur" by two guys I met on a trip to Ottawa back in the 70's. My brother decided that "Wilbur" was not satisfactory and chose to switch to using "Orville". Neither really "took" among friends, but what the heck . . . it provided fodder for this post.
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  2. #302
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    I have never been very imaginative when it comes to user names. On a Linux forum I use the moniker, 'Cool-User-Name' as a sort of mockery of the concept. Anyway ...... my given name is Jimmy, my surname begins with an H, and I have had a problem with ADs.

    Originally my forum name was Slant_Fan because of my then heavy collecting of twisted head razors, but I requested the change when I got into straight razors, and heavy into a variety of ADs too numerous to detail.
    Jimmy-As you frequently mention that you are a recovering HAD sufferer, I figured HAD just meant Hone Acquisition Disorder. If I remember the legend correctly as told to me as a little tike on grandpappy's knee, back in the mists of time on SRP (early aughts?), you bought and used basically every hone ever mined from underground or made in a hone factory. Then you sold them all off, literally flooded the market with millions of them, and now hone on a really well-lapped cinder-block.

    Now for my username: Scout=scout leader for 9 years; hiker=love to hike and the outdoors in general; Dad=father of two now-grown sons.
    Last edited by ScoutHikerDad; 10-15-2016 at 05:02 PM.
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  3. #303
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    A variation on my real last name.
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  4. #304
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Mine is simple
    Peterc = first name and last name initial.
    P4E = truck license plate.
    I always go by Pete but when I joined the forum it wouldn't let me use Petecp4e??
    Oh well...good enough

    Pete <:-}
    lz6, MW76 and Panama60 like this.
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  5. #305
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Mine is what Donald Trump called me the last time I told him no more loans and he was a crook.
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  6. #306
    Senior Member Whizbang's Avatar
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    Whizbang was a small caliber high-velocity shell used in WW1...whizbang was the sound it made. I also find WW1 one of the most fascinating periods in world history. Whizbang can also mean "a resounding success". You can call me "Whiz" for short.

    On some of the other shaving forums I am known as Rusty Blade. I think that one is fairly obvious in terms of its relevance to wet shaving and SRs in particular. I couldn't use Rusty Blade on this forum because someone already used that name.
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  7. #307
    lz6 is offline
    Senior Member blabbermouth lz6's Avatar
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    LZ6 was my radio call sign while serving as a U.S. Army Pathfinder during the vietnam war. The sign was landing zone 6 or the Pathfinder in charge of the landing zone. In the nam Pathfinder's frequently controlled all air traffic in and out of landing zones or pick up zones.
    Last edited by lz6; 10-15-2016 at 11:05 PM.

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  8. #308
    Senior Member Phil129's Avatar
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    Phil is my first name and 129 is my badge number. Figured it was simple enough for me to remember

    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
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  9. #309
    Senior Member AcesandEights's Avatar
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    Aces and Eights is the name of my retail firearms and gunsmith shop.

    (Aces and Eights is also known as 'The dead mans hand', in the poker world, because that was the cards held by Wild Bill Hickok when he was shot and killed by Jack McCall in Deadwood, SD. Wild bill was born in Illinois, which is where I hail from)
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  10. #310
    Senior Member alpla444's Avatar
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    Mine is where I used to work when I joined, along with my clock number. I no longer work there but I am happy enough with the user name.

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