Quote Originally Posted by DZEC View Post
As a child I got the measles that went into my eyes. I had to be in a darkened room for a week or two. Our family doctor came over several times to see me. I guess it was possible that my eyesight could have been impaired as a result of the infection. This was serious stuff.

Chicken pox was a walk in the park in comparison. I think if I have a choice I would like to opt out of shingles. My father in law had them and it was painful.

Never got the mumps, but did get the vaccine as an adult and am keeping my ____ crossed that it works.

Wife and I got the twinrix vaccinations and a whole bunch of other shots before travelling to Bhutan via Thailand and Japan. Never regretted that and had no side effects. Same with our annual flu inoculations.

I have no problem with folks choosing to opt out of vaccinations. I have a huge problem with them expecting our health care system (we have a pretty good one up here north of the border - you should take a look) to care for them when they get sick and causing others to get sick as a result.

I feel much the same about the anti-vaxxers. Feel free to not inoculate your kids . . . but then you should also feel free to home school the little plague monkeys, and don't let them outside to play with other kids.

People are free to make choices for themselves. They are NOT free to make those choices for others, or make others assume risks they do not want.