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  1. #11
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YesSheDoes! View Post
    Amen...except for Huckabee, who is my favorite, but who won't get the nominations.

    Think about our President confronting Al Quaeda, or the Russians...I like the idea of having a hard guy with simmering rage! I don't want some pushover wallflower pussy-footing glad-handing waffle-waffle liberal-in-moderate's clothing! We need to show our enemies that we mean business. Serious business!
    Agreed. I feel like if it comes down to McCain vs Obama or Hillary, McCain is our best bet and the lesser evil. Honestly, I'm not a big McCain guy. I agree with JMS almost 100%- McCain makes me feel weird and always seems like he's stewing about something. But, my dislike for him pales in comparison to Hillary.

  2. #12
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Sorry to butt in on something I know nothing about, but how likely do you think it is that McCain and Clinton will end up the candidates for their respective parties? From the Democrat perspective, for example, our news reported a few days ago that Obama received the Kennedy nod - is that important enough for Clinton to drop off the running?

    I honestly don't know how you guys cope with all the information - several hopefuls for each party spruking their policies and campaigning against each other - it's all I can do to keep track of our guys, and there's only two of them!

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  3. #13
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YesSheDoes! View Post
    Amen...except for Huckabee, who is my favorite, but who won't get the nominations.

    Think about our President confronting Al Quaeda, or the Russians...I like the idea of having a hard guy with simmering rage! I don't want some pushover wallflower pussy-footing glad-handing waffle-waffle liberal-in-moderate's clothing! We need to show our enemies that we mean business. Serious business!
    McCain makes me think about George W Bush.
    EDIT2: Only from the way he talks during his speeches. I don't know his viewpoints.

    Now about that simmering rage thing...
    If the USA wants to stabilize international politics, the John Wayne approach is not going to work.
    It is possible to be a tough and honest man (or woman) and still thinking about the long term.
    Simmering rage implies being unstable and unreliable, and easily provoked.

    EDIT: It is also very unlikely that the US will have a military conflict with the Russians any time soon. If there will be conflict, it will be economic and politic. And those conflicts are not resolved by shouting and rethoric. They are resolved by diplomacy and intelligence.
    As for Al Qaeda: The hardball approach of Bush seems to miss its goal.
    The war in Iraq is a huge and expensive mess, and hasn't had any net positive result.
    The 'war' against al qaeda cannot be won with military actions. Invading other countries without real cause will only make the situation worse. Not better.
    Last edited by Bruno; 01-30-2008 at 10:05 PM.
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    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  4. #14
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I don't really care who wins, as long it is someone who is able to think about long term results of what he/she does.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    I really don't think McCain is the cowboy type. His views on foreign policy, from what I've seen, are well thought out, measured and realistic. He is a bit opposite W. Bush in this respect. I tend to think that someone who faced torture and death everyday for years, and survives- and then goes on to lead a constructive life probably has a pretty healthy perspective on things. That's my perception anyway.


  6. #16
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I agree, McCain seems like a trustworthy man that can make wise decisions with an outlook beyond narrow political interest.

    I am not scared of Romney, I just don't trust him. He's smart enough to accomplish whatever goals he sets himself, in a cold business-like way of smart. However I do not trust his human judgment - to me he seems like a guy for whom a goal can justify the means. It may be the best thing for the country, but I don't think americans vote that way. As somebody alluded, you wouldn't trust him with your children.

    I don't care whether you think Hillary Clinton is the devil incarnated, to me she is a highly skilled and competent politician and I think she will make a fairly strong president if she gets elected. Yes, she doesn't have governing experience, but it doesn't seem like this matters that much.

  7. #17
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    Disclosure: I'm a left leaning centrist

    I personally am terrified of McCain, of course the whole batch of folks in the running frightens me.

    About a year and a half ago I was telling people that my biggest fear was that Romney would run and win. Sadly, that's now something I hope for.

  8. #18
    Mr. Meat Helmet Amyn's Avatar
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    McCain is certainly not a scary character. I feel he is more trustworthy than any other Republican candidate, so maybe he has a better chance with independents.

    Frankly who ever is the nominee from the GOP is an underdog in the 08 election.

    The reputation of this country has been dragged in the mud over the past 8 years in the internationally, and this is a fact that many Americans are not willing to accept this fact.

    This fall of our reputation has been an direct result because of the failure of diplomacy because as our current administration only wants to deal in absolutes (cowboy mentality, good vs. evil, etc..).

    The fact is that we simply do not understand the mind, the culture, the politics or the history beyond our own borders. We need to change that for our own self interest.

  9. #19
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Funny, about 10 years ago, my greatest fear was the Hillary would run and win

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  11. #20
    Affable Chap Nickelking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quick Orange View Post
    Funny, about 10 years ago, my greatest fear was the Hillary would run and win
    That's one of my biggest current ones as well. I hope the DNC sticks to their guns and doesn't let Florida have any delegates.

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