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Thread: anybody famous?

  1. #21
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    I've been on local television a few times, and once on a national news show when I was in the Air Force.

    I was stationed at Andrews AFB, Maryland. The President had just landed.

    We were moving some sound equipment to a hangar for a ceremony, and received the necessary clearance to be out there at the time. The largest thing was a 12-foot wide rolling sound platform, with all the amps, mixing board, audio players, and the like. We were pushing it along the tarmac, to its desitnation, when someone joked about the speed limit (10MPH) and said he wondered if we could 'drive' the desk that fast. We tried.

    That evening on whatever network, there was some footage of the president returning from some other nation, and in the background were three goof-offs running like maniacs behind an enormous desk and platfor on wheels!

  2. #22
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    I've got a famous name, although the best-know other guy spells his name wrong.

    Over the years, I've had people write me trying to get in touch with him. My favorite was somebody with an "investment opportunity", who clearly knew I was not the actor, but thought I might know how to reach him. He closed his mail with "don't reply if you don't know him; I get too much email already"!

    The Boston Bruins hired a goal-tender with my name, but he didn't pan out (had some great headlines from the globe like "Carey has a bad day").

    I've been on WGBH (local pbs station) many times on their auction. never a speaking role, but frequently visible.


  3. #23
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    Does Lynn count yet? hes got a DVD for sale, and youtube vids

  4. #24
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phillyclaude View Post
    Does Lynn count yet? hes got a DVD for sale, and youtube vids
    Among our own niche in the population, yes he would count as famous. Thats something to think about too, I bet each of us knows a "celebrity" in whatever little population we have as a hobby and outside the specific area of interest no one had heard of them. For an example think of Arnold Schwarzenegger, in 1970 who had heard of him? outside the world of bodybuilding, no one but within that world he was already a world champion and a huge box office draw. Making the A-list of worldwide household fame is a different game entirely.

  5. #25
    Cousin Jack
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildtim View Post
    and outside the specific area of interest no one had heard of them.
    Many (many) years ago I was working in a hotel and got very excited when I saw Rixi Markus on the room list - all my coworkers said the same thing: "Who's Rixi Markus?".


  6. #26
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    I guess that one would depend on how serious of a bridge player you are

  7. #27
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    Some of my students think I'm infamous.

  8. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Lynn is famous: I have seen a couple of his YouTube shaving stropping & honing demos. Moreover: we all seem to know him!
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  9. #29
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    I once got a gold star for manners and hygene but I guess that doesn't count.

    Seriously though, these places are probably one of the only places a celebrity can go and have real friends with real people. I doubt anyone would give that up. Too bad too cause while we might be thrilled to know they are here I for one wouldn't care. I know a number of famous people (not A-list but famous) and I couldn't care less. I don't ask them to buy anything and we get drunk behind closed doors where no camera is gonna see. But how would they know who to trust? Such is their problem.

  10. #30
    Enthusiastic newbie
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    I am famous in my area...sort of..people know who I am and recognize me all the time, but I have no idea why, or who they are. Example. Some women at the mall says she worked with me once. Figured it out, we worked together for about 4 days over 2 weeks,....SEVEN years ago.

    People also send greetings via others (ie: say hello to Phill for me) and I have no idea who they are.

    As for acctual Stuff I have done....

    I have been in the local papers a number of times for competative swimming, once held around 7 local records.

    i have met a number of semi-famous people (mostly musicians)

    and I was an "Extra" in a made for TV movie with Mellisa Gilbert (of little house on the prairie fame) They even did a close up of me, which was pretty cool. I was the symbal player in a "4th of july" picnic band.

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