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  1. #11
    Member metalhead's Avatar
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    hope that i jumped the gun i have an interview in the morning as usual im gunna hide my piercings and like i said i have let my goat grow to hide my chin piece. its an hour and a half to get there but work is work. startin to think i shoulda told my lady to get over herself and just stayed in alabama. i had no problems there but then again i knew a lot of people and here i dont know a soul.

  2. #12
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    It sucks, but removal is always an option

  3. #13
    Member metalhead's Avatar
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    in my case i hate to say removal is not an option. i love having my ink and steel in my skin, just like having a stone and a piece of steel in my hand

  4. #14
    Qui tacet consentit bpave777's Avatar
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    I've got tat's too, and would never want to work for any place that didn't accept that.

    Education is a good thing. How about going back to school and getting a trade skill?

    Hell if I were out of work and needed the cash there isn't much I wouldn't do for my wife and me to eat. Shoveling s*it isn't beyond me.

  5. #15
    Member metalhead's Avatar
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    man its not that im turning down jobs that i dont like its that everyone is turning me down work is work as long as it pays i dont care what i have and going back to school i cant afford it. and before its said i cant get grant or loans. the reason being i messed up a few years ago and trusted my mother with my name and now im almost 10,000 in debt that i have to pay and have nothing to show for the money

  6. #16
    Eternal Newb Smurf87's Avatar
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    As said before, the armed forces have begun to tighten up on their regulations regarding tatoos, esp. facial ones, but its not impossible to get a waiver for them as long as they aren't offensive. If it comes down to it the Army or Marines may be able to work something out, but I don't know about the AF or Navy.

    Good Luck!!!


  7. #17
    Beaker bevansmw's Avatar
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    I'm in the Navy, we do have a lot of standards as far as it comes to piercings and tattoos and the like, facial tattoos, forking of the tongue, etc. are all prohibited in the Navy. The specifics on the Navy instruction can be found here:
    It also goes into what is waiverable and what isn't, I assume the marines instruction is probably pretty similar since the Marines are a branch of the Navy (My Ass Really Is Navy Equipment) I'm not a jarhead though. Recruiter would be the best bet to talk to, they'd know the most and would, most likely, do the most to get you into the service if possible. Their jobs can be very difficult, they have to fill set quotas and with an unpopular war still going on they may be hurting to get people in even more now, though that huge GI Bill increase is a big perk about now for new guys thinking about enlisting. I know Army and Marines generally give large signing bonuses for infantry, around $30k or so not sure if that is still the case I got $7k for enlisting in the Navy because the rating I entered was in demand (evidentally not many qualify for it). I'm not too enthusiastic about the Army or Marines though.

    Also the piercings would have to go - not even authorized for wear when you're off duty or on 'liberty' if I remember correctly. I think males can wear one earring if off duty and not on base, not entirely positive though.

    If I had to go back and choose a branch of service again I'd probably come right back into the Navy - or the Air Force. I was a bit pre-occupied about the Air force though as I had a bit of criminal background and wasn't sure they'd take me. Navy took me just fine, had to get a few waivers and fill out a ton of paperwork because I have a security clearance for my job and all but everything worked out.

  8. #18
    Qui tacet consentit bpave777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by metalhead View Post
    man its not that im turning down jobs that i dont like its that everyone is turning me down work is work as long as it pays i dont care what i have and going back to school i cant afford it. and before its said i cant get grant or loans. the reason being i messed up a few years ago and trusted my mother with my name and now im almost 10,000 in debt that i have to pay and have nothing to show for the money
    Wow, that sounds vary familiar. One of my best friends, who's mom now lives in FLA, used his name to buy tons of stuff and absolutely decimate his credit.

    Yeah, I sorta guessed school would cost ya, and I supposed it was a long shot. There's lots of trades that will pay you while you apprentice though. Can't think about how crappy it would be to build, paint or do roofs in FLA, but it might be worth a try. Also, list on Craigslist (if it's in your area) that you're available to do work. Or make flyers that you post at laundry mats and make those tear offs for things like gardening help. Hell come to think of it, if you're in FLA you can get tons of work helping the elderly. Although they might try to pay you 1940's rates

  9. #19
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    In my line of work (programmer / system admin) people are willing to be lenient as long as they don't show.
    A former collague of mine used to be a 'tough guy' troublemaker in his youh, and his arms and legs were covered by tribal tats.

    He wore long trousers and long sleeve shirts even in the summer to hide them. We had to interact with customers every day so he had no other choice.
    Of course the other prolem was he was into free fighting, so he sometimes showed up at a customer's site, looking pretty badly beaten up.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  10. #20
    Member metalhead's Avatar
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    thanks everyone

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