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  1. #11
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Jeez Mark this thread is so good, that even I am going to post on it....

    I don't know who said this maybe somebody else can tell us, but I have always remembered it "There is only on true way to judge any Nation, if you open the borders, are people rushing to get in, or are they rushing to get out"
    That statement says it all in my eyes......

  2. #12
    JMS is offline
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    Alright!! I see we are all getting the idea!

    Hey Alex, I'm not gugi. He's my arch nemeses!

  3. #13
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    Civil liberties.

    Right to a fair and speedy trial.

    Freedom of speech.

    There are countless others, I really feel for people who cannot make decisions about how to live their own lives or speak out about injustices for fear of persecution. (The US isn't perfect in this respect either, but better than most)

    I have a family friend who can never set foot in mainland China (she was born and raised in Taiwan), for fear of being locked up by the government with no trial and no notice to her family because of the books she's written on womens rights that criticize the authorities. They have a list of "enemies of the state" or something.

    China celebrates "International Woman's Day" by giving every woman in the country a box of laundry detergent.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    ...the United States of America has avoided the raping and pillaging part of war!

    Mark Avery

    I agree with most of what you say. I am grateful to have by the luck of the draw been born in the USA. So grateful that I spent four years of my life defending this great nation. However, I don't believe you are so naive as to believe what you wrote here. The United States of America has most certainly done its share of raping and pillaging.


  5. #15
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    I am lucky enough to have been born in the western world, where thankfully women are treated as equals (in most cases). Women get a really raw deal in other parts of the globe due to religious, tribal or government influence.

    I'm glad I live in a country where I can pick my own spouse, pick my own career, learn to drive, be educated to the level I choose, vote and have the choice to wear what I want.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post

    I agree with most of what you say. I am grateful to have by the luck of the draw been born in the USA. So grateful that I spent four years of my life defending this great nation. However, I don't believe you are so naive as to believe what you wrote here. The United States of America has most certainly done its share of raping and pillaging.

    Not as a standing policy, or an accepted behavior! But thats not the point of this thread! There are so many things we have to be grateful for, but instead, their are many among us who would prefer to whine about the negatives in our society and point fingers incessantly! Lets not do that! Instead, let us find the good that must be protected!

  7. #17
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Let us find the good that must be protected! Amen brother Mark, great thread!
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Not as a standing policy, or an accepted behavior! But thats not the point of this thread! There are so many things we have to be grateful for, but instead, their are many among us who would prefer to whine about the negatives in our society and point fingers incessantly! Lets not do that! Instead, let us find the good that must be protected!
    One of the good things to be protected is the right of the people to speak up or "whine" if you will about the wrongs done and/or accepted and/or condoned by an imperfect government. I know nothing about "incessant" finger pointing but it seems like one should keep his/her eyes open to the reality of every situation. If I am not mistaken it is the whining and finger pointing of the founding fathers of this great nation that caused its formation and ultimate freedom from tyranny.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by icedog View Post
    One of the good things to be protected is the right of the people to speak up or "whine" if you will about the wrongs done and/or accepted and/or condoned by an imperfect government. I know nothing about "incessant" finger pointing but it seems like one should keep his/her eyes open to the reality of every situation. If I am not mistaken it is the whining and finger pointing of the founding fathers of this great nation that caused its formation and ultimate freedom from tyranny.
    Agreed, but they actually acted on their beliefs instead of just complaining and grumbling!

    And now...back to our regularly scheduled topic!

  10. #20
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    As for great things about the US....

    I would have to say the the single greatest contribution of the US to the world would be The Constitution.

    Have you ever wondered why other countries who became republics after the US and may have used our Constitution as a starting point have not had the same success?

    I was once asked by some Russian friends why the US fared so much better than Russia with regard to the Constitutions and their role in everyday life....I told them that the US has the laws in place to enforce the Constitution and the most US citizens (regardless of how little they know of what it contains) respect the document and what it stands for.

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