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  1. #21
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    Gee whiz. So apparently it's perfectly OK to use the African American/ape comparison because, after all, we all descended from the great apes. And I was under the delusion there had been an unfortunate history in this country of bigots comparing African Americans to monkeys and gorillas, when all this time they were merely alluding to the evolutionary fact of common ancestry. Wow, did I get that one wrong!

    While we're on the topic: anyone have a good joke about how the Jews share certain physical similarities to prehistoric man? The Nazis got a bad rap when they attempted to make the case the Jews bore some resemblance to apes, but I guess they too were merely pointing out all mankind's common ancestry with our simian-brethren. Guess we owe the Nazis one big apology for being so PC...

  2. #22
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    "it's ok to compare anything to anything
    that's how people get away with starting entire troll threads

    and instead of a gorilla I would say Michelle Obama's hair looks like some kind of nappy tropical bird."

    Agreed. It's a free country and you can say whatever you want. Never said this was a free speech issue (however, technically-speaking neither you nor I have free speech with respect to this board, since it's not government operated, as the First Amendment only applies to government imposed restrictions on speech-not private restrictions). Nonetheless, comparing black people to apes is a sad part of this country's cultural past and deserves condemnation from those who believe in racial equality. Perhaps that's why the guy who made the "joke" later apologized.

  3. #23
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    While we're on the topic: anyone have a good joke about how the Jews share certain physical similarities to prehistoric man? The Nazis got a bad rap when they attempted to make the case the Jews bore some resemblance to apes, but I guess they too were merely pointing out all mankind's common ancestry with our simian-brethren. Guess we owe the Nazis one big apology for being so PC...

  4. #24
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Hey it's a troll thread with troll responses. What did you expect?
    Find me on SRP's official chat in ##srp on Freenode. Link is at top of SRP's homepage

  5. #25
    Senior Member billyjeff2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jockeys View Post

    Uh-oh. Guess that invalidates everything....

  6. #26
    Senior Member Traveller's Avatar
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    Comparisons of humans and other species is done all the time it is a lynchpin of the science of genetics/humans have been found to share more than 99% of genetic material with chimpanzes/very slightly less with gorillas.Im sorry if this offends you(you might petition to have the Scopes trial reopened and your views accepted.If you had read my post in a more desciminating manner you might have understood.Is the sunshine remark meant to complimentary?Most would take it as so.Also no mention of the comment being funny was made,but many would probably consider it as very funny(please do not assume that I would,I wont comment on that one way or the other).Best regards Gary
    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    So we can agree it's still funny/ok to compare black people to gorillas? That sun must be shining directly on the back of your neck...

  7. #27
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    Uh-oh. Guess that invalidates everything....
    not at all. but it says a lot about the one who Godwinned the thread.

    comparing an off-color (and, imho, inappropriate) joke to genocide is beyond hyperbole.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traveller View Post
    Comparisons of humans and other species is done all the time it is a lynchpin of the science of genetics/humans have been found to share more than 99% of genetic material with chimpanzes/very slightly less with gorillas.Im sorry if this offends you(you might petition to have the Scopes trial reopened and your views accepted.If you had read my post in a more desciminating manner you might have understood.Is the sunshine remark meant to complimentary?Most would take it as so.Also no mention of the comment being funny was made,but many would probably consider it as very funny(please do not assume that I would,I wont comment on that one way or the other).Best regards Gary
    It's quite stunning to me that some would attempt to explain away racists comparing african americans to apes by making references to biological genetics. Anyone having a modicum of familiarity with the past history of race relations knows full well the canard about african americans supposedly bearing a closer resemblane to apes compared to white europeans. So please don't try to push the trash about how we're all genetically similar to chimps, especially in light of what the original point of this thread was all about.

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  10. #29
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Yep, the party is full of red-necked, racist, idiots. This comment represents the party, and all conservatives. One guy makes a remark and the party is doomed.

    Is this how liberals really view conservatives? When one guy makes a stupid statement, the party is going down in flames?

    What about Biden's comments about having to use an Indian accent at 7-11 or Dunkin donuts?

  11. #30
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    It's quite stunning to me that some would attempt to explain away racists comparing african americans to apes by making references to biological genetics. Anyone having a modicum of familiarity with the past history of race relations knows full well the canard about african americans supposedly bearing a closer resemblane to apes compared to white europeans. So please don't try to push the trash about how we're all genetically similar to chimps, especially in light of what the original point of this thread was all about.
    There was a point to this thread?

    All I see is one man taking the opportunity to blame a whole party for one mans comments. I haven't yet heard you mention the grand wizard himself Senator Byrd or Murtha yet and mention how this makes the whole DMC racist.
    Try and be consistent please.

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