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  1. #51
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    To make my position perfectly clear: I believe it is abhorrent to joke, infer, jest, or otherwise attempt to suggest a that african americans haven't evloved to the same degree as whites (or any other race for that matter), or to infer that african americans resemble chimpanzees more that whites do. And let me make one other point: I consider anyone who thinks otherwise to be either totally ignorant, or a racist. It's really that simple...


    If you say anything against the God -o- Liberals yer a racist....

    Right from the leftist play book and soooooooooo predictable....

    Thank you BJ2 for playing by the lefties rule book it makes everything so easy ... I still personally think you walk the right side of the isle, and this is just you joking around....

    Oh BTW I do believe his statement was racist and out of line and he should apologize, with the same heartfelt sincerity that Letterman did...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 06-17-2009 at 05:47 PM.

  2. #52
    pio is offline
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    I dont get it...

    If a Republican compare the obamas to gorilla's or monkyes or what ever...for them thats right...

    But if a Democrat compare Cheney with Darth Vader, or say that GWB had the brain the size of a walnut...thats a NO NO...

    whats the different...
    why the other is wrong for doing what you do...

    can someone explian it to me...

    (for the record...i say both are wrong and who ever say other wise is just plainly wrong)

  3. #53
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    Like I said before: You've all been great! Thanks again!!

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by pio View Post
    I dont get it...

    If a Republican compare the obamas to gorilla's or monkyes or what ever...for them thats right...

    But if a Democrat compare Cheney with Darth Vader, or say that GWB had the brain the size of a walnut...thats a NO NO...

    whats the different...
    why the other is wrong for doing what you do...

    can someone explian it to me...

    (for the record...i say both are wrong and who ever say other wise is just plainly wrong)
    Because in both of the examples you listed above, the person is giving Cheney and GWB the benefit of the doubt....

  5. #55
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pio View Post
    (for the record...i say both are wrong and who ever say other wise is just plainly wrong)
    See, this is the heart of the matter: Whatever I believe is right and anything that opposes that is left- er, I mean wrong.
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  6. #56
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    I have always believed that if you have a legitimate argument against a party or an ideology you should just come out and say it. Don't take shots at a group by attacking straw men who say stupid things. And don't take your ball and leave when people challenge your point of view.

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  8. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del1r1um View Post
    I have always believed that if you have a legitimate argument against a party or an ideology you should just come out and say it. Don't take shots at a group by attacking straw men who say stupid things. And don't take your ball and leave when people challenge your point of view.

    A more appropriate thread title would have been "yet another idiotic statement from one of those accursed Republicans".

    Or something along those lines.

  9. #58
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    So what you say when you hear people like Bleck and Limbaugh saying they want the president to fail just beacuse they dont agree withy him, and rationalizing the killing of people by an ultra conservative a few months back but in the other had the same guys used to called people anti-american when they talked about the president desitions when GWB was in power...?
    how does that goes hand to hand?

    its not been right or left...
    thats just selfish, ignorant and self serving...

  10. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seraphim View Post

    A more appropriate thread title would have been "yet another idiotic statement from one of those accursed Republicans".

    Or something along those lines.
    Yeah, if that's what he was trying to do, that would have been a fine title. Then we could have talked about the countless idiotic statements from liberals too.

    And I'm not exactly sure what point you are making Pio, many have already made the point that it goes both ways.

    And war related deaths have happened under conservative and liberal heads of state alike.
    Last edited by Del1r1um; 06-17-2009 at 07:25 PM.

  11. #60
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    I will not post my photo evidence here because(although hillarious to some) some will find it very offensive,and probably label it as racist,and I'm a very sensitive guy and dont want to hurt any ones feelings especially since we have so many victims sometimes reading our posts.The usual tactic of the pepetual victim is to lable anyting that doesnt support their position or offends their sensibilities as racist(no matter how well researched or true it may be).Any one with an unbiased and healty sense of humor can PM me and I will add you to my joke /evidence mailing list and you can recieve the astounding photographic evidence of our simian DNA connections in private/evidenced by photos of all races My simpathies to the offended,and best regards to the restGary
    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    Well I guess the conversation continues.
    Tell you what: talk amongst yourselves for a bit about why comparing black people to gorillas is perfectly acceptable, and get back to me in a few decades when you have this whole thing sorted out. In the meantime, maybe Gary can share his photos with the rest of us.

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