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  1. #51
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    Now how did this end up being about FOX news?

    Please keep the blood letting to a minimum guys.

  2. #52
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Now how did this end up being about FOX news?

    Please keep the blood letting to a minimum guys.
    Good point, sorry about the distraction. I don't mean to offend anyone, and I apologize if I did.

  3. #53
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del1r1um View Post
    however you define communism, belonging to the Communist Party is a political standpoint, not just an economic ideal
    True, so to clarify let me say that this was when I was much younger and wanted some literature. I had an interest in Marx and Engels' writings but never lost sight that communism is an ideal that would not work in the real world.

    I agree that we agree to disagree on the other stuff.

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  5. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    By the way, this southerner who loves his guns and religion is at least smart enough to know how to spell "there".

    Great point. I made a spelling error. Wrote "thiere" instead of "there". Thanks so much for the correction. You must be quite the linguist to have picked up on that one.

    Oh, by the way, in your response to my post you wrote: "I told one of the women that worked for my client.." Now I can't say that I'm 100% certain about this, but I think it's actually: "I told one of the women who worked for my client..." No biggie.

    And although I hate to be a pest about such things, you also wrote in your post: " I have no problems with Obama's race, but I have a tremendous problems with his socialist policies." Did you mean to say you have no problem with Obama's race? And did you also mean to say you have "a tremendous problem with his socialist policies? Cause that's not what you wrote. Well, we all makes mistakes now and then. But you're the language expert from the south, not me.

    And while I'd really like to leave it at that, there's even more. I just love the poetic license you employed when you wrote:"I predict that Obama will be viewed by history in the future as being the worst U.S. president in history."
    "...will be viewed by history in the future"? Wow. Now that's some funky use of the southern English language. From which university did you get your English degree from? Oh, wait. I ended that sentence with a dangling participle. My bad! I'll have to remember not to forget that rule in the future.

    And while I'm really loathe to be picayune with you, you also wrote:
    "Every thing he had promised on the campaign trail has turned out to be absolute lies." Did you mean to write: Everything he promised (no "had") on the campaign trail has turned out to be an absolute lie?" Because that would have been grammatically correct. If you were trying to be grammatically correct as a gun owner, that is.

    And. golly gee willikers, you also wrote: " He said there would be no lobbyist in his administration, yet the White House is full of them." Did you mean to say lobbyists, since the plural would jive just right with your subsequent sentence-ending term, "them".

    And your concluding bon mot: "and we will be guaranteed of the White House in 2012". Guaranteed of the White House? Heck, my illegal immigrant Mexican houseboy writes better than that.

    Well, maybe you religious Republican gun owners from the south just speak different. Or is is "speak differently"? I'm sure you'll tell me...

    Anyway, thanks so much for setting me straight on how to spell "there".
    You fell for it. If you give someone enough rope they generally will hang themselves.

  6. #55
    JMS is offline
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    Originally Posted by billyjeff2
    By the way, this southerner who loves his guns and religion is at least smart enough to know how to spell "there".

    Great point. I made a spelling error. Wrote "thiere" instead of "there". Thanks so much for the correction. You must be quite the linguist to have picked up on that one.

    Oh, by the way, in your response to my post you wrote: "I told one of the women that worked for my client.." Now I can't say that I'm 100% certain about this, but I think it's actually: "I told one of the women who worked for my client..." No biggie.

    And although I hate to be a pest about such things, you also wrote in your post: " I have no problems with Obama's race, but I have a tremendous problems with his socialist policies." Did you mean to say you have no problem with Obama's race? And did you also mean to say you have "a tremendous problem with his socialist policies? Cause that's not what you wrote. Well, we all makes mistakes now and then. But you're the language expert from the south, not me.

    And while I'd really like to leave it at that, there's even more. I just love the poetic license you employed when you wrote:"I predict that Obama will be viewed by history in the future as being the worst U.S. president in history."
    "...will be viewed by history in the future"? Wow. Now that's some funky use of the southern English language. From which university did you get your English degree from? Oh, wait. I ended that sentence with a dangling participle. My bad! I'll have to remember not to forget that rule in the future.

    And while I'm really loathe to be picayune with you, you also wrote:
    "Every thing he had promised on the campaign trail has turned out to be absolute lies." Did you mean to write: Everything he promised (no "had") on the campaign trail has turned out to be an absolute lie?" Because that would have been grammatically correct. If you were trying to be grammatically correct as a gun owner, that is.

    And. golly gee willikers, you also wrote: " He said there would be no lobbyist in his administration, yet the White House is full of them." Did you mean to say lobbyists, since the plural would jive just right with your subsequent sentence-ending term, "them".

    And your concluding bon mot: "and we will be guaranteed of the White House in 2012". Guaranteed of the White House? Heck, my illegal immigrant Mexican houseboy writes better than that.

    Well, maybe you religious Republican gun owners from the south just speak different. Or is is "speak differently"? I'm sure you'll tell me...

    Anyway, thanks so much for setting me straight on how to spell "there".

    Quote Originally Posted by MinniesMate View Post
    You fell for it. If you give someone enough rope they generally will hang themselves.
    I think you have been had billy jeff. While I can't say much for minniemates grammar or spelling, but as you so eloquently stated BJ2, "Well we all make mistakes now and then"

    I think he sussed you out!

  7. #56
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    Nice try. No cigar, though.
    All you got was your tail handed to you...
    Last edited by billyjeff2; 10-05-2009 at 07:57 PM.

  8. #57
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    Why would you want Satan -behind- you?
    Keep the sucker in front I'd say. At least you'll be able to see what he does. No telling what he might get up to from -behind-.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

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