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  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    I don't understand what you are referring to when you say "total speculation." There is a very clearly detailed experiment that is repeatable and has been repeated.

    The age of the Earth is a whole other discussion which is not related to this one.

    I do not know about Richard Dawkins. I am not kidding.
    I Just finished Dawkins most recent book: The Greatest Show on Earth. I found it most interesting. I always seem to prefer the most recently read Dawkins book. Full of interesting facts.

  2. #82
    Troublus Maximus
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    Nothing is evolviing now and nothing has evolved in the past. If it had then they would parade the fossils around as proof. Darwin said (what would be obvious even to the casual observer) that the earths layers should be filled with thousands upon thousands of fossils of intermediate forms. Unfortunately for the evolution believers, as the curator of the British Museum of Natural History (which has the largest collection of fossils of any museum in the world) said when asked why he doesn't show and example of an intermediate life form fossil instead of talking about them he said that he wished that he could but that there are no fossils known of any intermediate life forms. (ya, we know).

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
    Nothing is evolviing now and nothing has evolved in the past. If it had then they would parade the fossils around as proof. Darwin said (what would be obvious even to the casual observer) that the earths layers should be filled with thousands upon thousands of fossils of intermediate forms. Unfortunately for the evolution believers, as the curator of the British Museum of Natural History (which has the largest collection of fossils of any museum in the world) said when asked why he doesn't show and example of an intermediate life form fossil instead of talking about them he said that he wished that he could but that there are no fossils known of any intermediate life forms. (ya, we know).
    Can you give a reference for that?

  4. #84
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    This is the question that all need to ask about every "god" or "gods" be it money, science, religion etc.
    I don't mean those metaphors, I mean actually worshiped, religious gods.

    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
    No they don't.

    Yes, yes they do!

    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
    Nothing is evolviing now and nothing has evolved in the past. If it had then they would parade the fossils around as proof. Darwin said (what would be obvious even to the casual observer) that the earths layers should be filled with thousands upon thousands of fossils of intermediate forms. Unfortunately for the evolution believers, as the curator of the British Museum of Natural History (which has the largest collection of fossils of any museum in the world) said when asked why he doesn't show and example of an intermediate life form fossil instead of talking about them he said that he wished that he could but that there are no fossils known of any intermediate life forms. (ya, we know).
    Boy are you ever wrong there. Just go look. They're everywhere. Remember Ida a few months ago? Remember Ardi last month? I mean the list goes on and on. Just go look, but my suspicion is that you'd rather keep spouting disinformation. I've been down this road with people like you before and it's (almost) always exactly the same. You might as well say gravity doesn't exist because evolution is that well documented, no matter what you wish were true.

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasBob View Post
    Actually, I don't think that was exactly the point of the experiment. There is the element of the hypothetical: IF these conditions are met THEN these results are possible. "Must have happened" is an oversimplification and therefore an easy (and unfair) target. Things are much more subtle than that. The point is that the possibility of that situation can be considered (or its impossibility can be dismissed).

    Sometimes science progresses in small steps.

    And the earth's early atmospheric properties CAN be inferred (or at least narrowed down) by evidence from other scientific disciplines.

    It is said that God works in mysterious ways but I don't think we are either disallowed or incapable of at least partially unraveling some of those mysteries. I wonder if God would be so cruel as to mislead us with so much tantalizing evidence. Perhaps he has a mean streak? Or maybe his creation is less than perfect and has a bunch of inconsistencies. Maybe he will do a better job next time: no appendix, no optic nerves blocking our retina, no aortic loop for the laryngeal nerve*, etc... Lots of room for a more intelligent design.

    *NOTE on laryngeal nerve: There are two nerves that go from the brain to the larynx. One of these (but not both) travels all the way to the heart, loops around an artery and finds its way back to the larynx. This is an odd detour in humans but it does the same thing in giraffes! It also does so in fishes where the equivalent to the larynx is in the gills but because of the overall structure of a fish (no neck) this happens to be a direct route and not a detour. Now if mammals evolved from fishes that could explain everything! As it happens, mammals DO have gills with similar "wiring" -- in the embryonic stage.

    P.S. You haven't responded to my earlier post where I asked you for an alternative for us to consider.
    Sorry I missed you Bob, didn't mean to. The fact is that they don't have any idea what the environment maybe was. Actually their so called environment didn't exist and the only place that it is known to exist is in their test tubes minds and writings. Other scientists have shown thought that in the past that the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere at least at one time was greater than it is now, unlike their experiment where they intentionally excluded oxygen.
    Maybe similarities mean that they had the same creator or designer.
    No, they just evolved like that. Have you studied wood peckers. There's one variety who's tongue goes downn it's throat around, the back up and over it's skull, then down and through a hole in one of it's nostrils. Ya, it 'evolved' that way. HA HAAAA! Man! That evolution stuff is a real howl man, a real hoot.

    A better alternative? Surely you know it. The incredible complexity (think symbiosis) in nature is no result of random conincidental changes over time, but rather the product of a designer who initially had and still keeps things working in the incredible harmony that we observe in the natural world.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexasBob View Post
    Can you give a reference for that?
    For which?

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
    For which?
    I can't speak for Bob, but I'm not seeing any references in any of your posts.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    I don't mean those metaphors, I mean actually worshiped, religious gods.

    Yes, yes they do!

    Boy are you ever wrong there. Just go look. They're everywhere. Remember Ida a few months ago? Remember Ardi last month? I mean the list goes on and on. Just go look, but my suspicion is that you'd rather keep spouting disinformation. I've been down this road with people like you before and it's (almost) always exactly the same. You might as well say gravity doesn't exist because evolution is that well documented, no matter what you wish were true.
    Really X? Go ahead and tell us which one died FOR ANYBODY. Or DID anything FOR ANYBODY.

    Really? Well, where is this 'long line' of them. The consensus about the ones that you mention is not universal and has already been brought into question, those bones were scattered all over the place and they put them together they didn't just dig them up and find them like they lay them out in the exhibits. Have you actually seen them? You can't tell what those bones are from. What happend, was that monkey holding a grenade when it went off?

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    I don't mean those metaphors, I mean actually worshiped, religious gods.

    What we set above all else is what we worship

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    I don't mean those metaphors, I mean actually worshiped, religious gods.

    Yes, yes they do!

    Boy are you ever wrong there. Just go look. They're everywhere. Remember Ida a few months ago? Remember Ardi last month? I mean the list goes on and on. Just go look, but my suspicion is that you'd rather keep spouting disinformation. I've been down this road with people like you before and it's (almost) always exactly the same. You might as well say gravity doesn't exist because evolution is that well documented, no matter what you wish were true.
    Dawkins has an interesting take on this phenomena -- given our penchant for categorizing and classifying, everything gets to be it's own species so, if asked, there is never any fossil that some museum curator will claim to be partly A and partly B. Any intermediary would be completely and indivisibly X -- therefore not an intermediary and therefor no evolution! Ta-Da! Evolution refuted!

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