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Thread: North Carolina Intollerant and Unconstitutional Action

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by billyjeff2 View Post
    While this discussion could go on and on...suffice it to say that the US Supreme Court has addressed this issue, and there is no way this type of disqualification provision would be enforced today. It's an unfortunate relic of a (thankfully) bygone era. It is unquestionably unconstitutional. Be that as it may, are you seriously arguing that you'd prefer to see this enforced as written? You have no problem with actually disqualifying someone from holding elected or appointed office based on their religious beliefs? I find it breathtaking that anyone in this day and age would be in favor of the enforcement of a "religous test" as a predicate to holding public office.

    As for your point regarding the composition/beliefs of the original founders, please be reminded these men, as lofty as they were, likewise held it to be true that african americans were "property" and had no rights under the constitution --the same constitution they were no doubt were inspired by God to author. These men were of the further opinion women were not unworthy of having the right to vote.

    And I am not aware of any reference in the Constitution or any similar federalist document where the founders called for the elimination of atheism. Had they done so, they would have eliminated the participation of some of this nation's co-founders...

    it is not even worthy to respond to if you can't face the facts..i already told you that without christian values the republic will not stand and that is very plainly stated and if you look, the farther we get away from these principles intended by the founding fathers as a whole, the more we become divided and derisive of any christian/judeo values. thomas jefferson was basically an agnostic person, but he knew we needed the christian values to hold the very fabric of this country together.
    the pilgrims came here to get away from the church of england , which was basically gov't run. they were still christians, but wanted to worship on their own terms, not the gov' the way i do not attend church as you may think, but i do have some sense of moral direction given to me by my creator as also stated in the constitution and founding documents

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by gregs656 View Post
    So was just about every one else all that time a go. How many are now? If they all committed suicide by fire, would that be a good idea too?

    What is the point of developing a system if that system is not flexible. After all, there was a system before them, and it changed. Society is dynamic and you can basically write off anything but the ideals of your founding fathers. The rules will change, the ideals may not.

    Also, I think it is worth remembering that Christian ideals are basically moral issues, at least, those that influenced the law are. You can be an atheist and still retain the moral values.

    More over, people should be judged on their merit.
    again, we are talking about states right and their constitution approved by the people of north carolina. if it needs to be changed, let the people of that state change it, not the feds. federal intervention is not the answer to all problems. we have states that allow gay marriage or unions and we have state that do not. each state has it's own rights.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    it is not even worthy to respond to if you can't face the facts..i already told you that without christian values the republic will not stand and that is very plainly stated and if you look, the farther we get away from these principles intended by the founding fathers as a whole, the more we become divided and derisive of any christian/judeo values. thomas jefferson was basically an agnostic person, but he knew we needed the christian values to hold the very fabric of this country together.
    the pilgrims came here to get away from the church of england , which was basically gov't run. they were still christians, but wanted to worship on their own terms, not the gov' the way i do not attend church as you may think, but i do have some sense of moral direction given to me by my creator as also stated in the constitution and founding documents
    you don't think it's a little short sighted to believe that this country will not stand if it is not based on Christian morals? how do the other countries that are not based on Christian morals manage to do it?

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  5. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    federal intervention is not the answer to all problems.
    Maybe it's the answer to this one.

    Either way, I was not arguing on the rights and wrongs of federal intervention so I think it's unfair you retort with this argument.

    If you would like to reply on the issue of a dynamic rule that changes with the times, the importance of the moral substance that makes up basic law over the religion that defined them, and how crucial it is that each man be judged by his own merit, please do.

  6. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheBaron View Post
    you don't think it's a little short sighted to believe that this country will not stand if it is not based on Christian morals? how do the other countries that are not based on Christian morals manage to do it?
    that is exactly what i mean.. ours is the only nation with the same constitution for over 200 years..we have never failed...look at how many other countries have risen and fallen and new founding documents written time and time again, while ours stand fast and steady. with that being said i feel we are on the brink of moral collapse and the fall of the United States as we know it, i know that will make a lot of people happy, to see us fail...

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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    ours is the only nation with the same constitution for over 200 years..we have never failed...look at how many other countries have risen and fallen and new founding documents written time and time again

    200 years is not very long.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gregs656 View Post
    Maybe it's the answer to this one.

    Either way, I was not arguing on the rights and wrongs of federal intervention so I think it's unfair you retort with this argument.

    If you would like to reply on the issue of a dynamic rule that changes with the times, the importance of the moral substance that makes up basic law over the religion that defined them, and how crucial it is that each man be judged by his own merit, please do.
    please refer to post #12

  9. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    please refer to post #12
    tis not an answer to any of my points mate. none at all.

  10. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    ours is the only nation with the same constitution for over 200 years..we have never failed...
    Good - so then you agree that Article VI of the same constitution is not a failure, and that the NC state constitution is the failure
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  11. #20
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    OK, I believe the reason gay marriage is decided at the state level and not federally is because the constitution has not been amended to recognize gay rights. This gives the states the right to decide how they will recognize the rights of the gay community.

    Other rights issues such as Womens Suffrage and Slavery has been amended in the constitution, this would supersede the rights of the states to go against the constitution and take these rights away.

    If I am correct in what I just said (and I accept that I could easily be wrong) then the issue of whether or not the federal government can supersede the state constitution of baring a person from office due to religious beliefs can easily be answered by realizing that the constitution has amendments regarding religious freedom. Meaning the comparison to this issue and gay rights is invalid.

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