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Thread: North Carolina Intollerant and Unconstitutional Action

  1. #111
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    Well wabler its like this this erea has become a popular retirement destination so you have the locals with one set of values and the retiree's /vacation people with a different set and the developers who what to make a few dollars while they can. but it getting to the point where the locals are becoming out voted and so the area is changing not to everyone's satisfaction. I guess that's progress huh?

  2. #112
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post
    In this particular case the fact that none of you live here allows you to miss a big part of the picture. This representative is a developer who is also pro development a lot of people here don't want to see this town turn into another Atlanta or Charlotte ...
    A perfectly valid concern if this is the case.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doc View Post his opponents are grasping at what ever straw present themselves to keep him out of office. It really has nothing to do with discrimination. This is just a smoke screen for the real issues.
    Then why cloud the issue with discrimination? This is counterproductive. Ultimately they are using discrimination to further other ends so for them the ends justifies the means which is amoral as well as bigoted.

  3. #113
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    this is the primary supporter of this

    H. K. Edgerton is a black Southern heritage activist and former president of the NAACP's Asheville, North Carolina, branch. His most notable action to date was a march from North Carolina to Texas to build awareness of Southern culture and history. Edgerton runs a website, Southern Heritage 411, which portrays some of his views and research on Black Confederate participation in the American Civil War.
    In December 1998, Edgerton was suspended from the NAACP after he approached Kirk Lyons, an attorney who had represented Ku Klux Klan leader Louis Beam in a 1988 conspiracy trial, to assist the Asheville NAACP in a lawsuit over housing policy. According to the NAACP, his suspension was due to non-compliance with the organization's rules when the Asheville chapter fell into debt. In 1999, he was voted out of office.
    Edgerton is now the chairman of the board of directors of the Southern Legal Resource Center. He is also an associate member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans

    This is just a few people and the press is just running with it . Its silly.

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  5. #114
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    YouTube - Former President of NAACP (Asheville NC) HK Edgerton who carries the Confederate Flag

    I don't consider him a spokes person to the majority of us here. This video is to illustrate how far off this article is and how badly the new papers distort the news and not to discuss any of it's theory's or beliefs. Nor is it meant to insult anyone. I have no feelings what so ever about his beliefs but know that he is not among the political majority of this town.
    Last edited by Doc; 12-10-2009 at 08:50 AM.

  • #115
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    the thing that really bugs me about this is they publish crap like this making it sound as if everyone in the state is behind it then people see it and throw it out for long discussions here and then after a lot of wasted time you find out its just one or a few extremist waving a flag and being loud. Guys learn to read between the lines the papers and the new agencies are just distracting you from the really important stuff.

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    treydampier (12-10-2009)

  • #116
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    I'm confused, what does H. K. Edgerton have to do with Cecil Bothwell not being allowed to serve because he's an Atheist?

  • #117
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    “I'm not saying that Cecil Bothwell is not a good man, but if he's an atheist, he's not eligible to serve in public office, according to the state constitution,” said H.K. Edgerton, a former Asheville NAACP president.

    read the article

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    xman (12-10-2009)

  • #118
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    I wonder what he is basing that on? Unless it is *his* interpretation of this:

    Sec. 13. Religious liberty.
    All persons have a natural and inalienable right to worship Almighty God according to the dictates of their own consciences, and no human authority shall, in any case whatever, control or interfere with the rights of conscience.

    An assuming because it doesn't mention "or not worship" he is assuming there is no qualification for higher office without religion. He's reaching either way. Of course there is always this to cover that situation as well:

    Sec. 36. Other rights of the people.

    The enumeration of rights in this Article shall not be construed to impair or deny others retained by the people.
    Last edited by wpfontenot; 12-10-2009 at 07:49 PM.

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  • #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Warbler View Post
    here is the quote from article 6 of the Constitution in question:

    "The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

    it makes no reference to upholding opinions of the founding documents, it just says "to support this Constitution".

    Also, could someone please quote a founding document that says atheists should not be able to hold elected office?

    I'd like to respond to the opinion that NC should just ignore the U.S. Supreme Court if it rules against them. Just when did NC become a Nation? I never recalled reading in the papers that NC seceded from the Union? The states have some rights, but when they joined the Union, they gave some up. One of the rights they gave up was the right to ignore U.S. Supreme court rulings. If the U.S. Constitution has no power over state Constitutions, what is the point of having a U.S. Constitution? We might as well burn the thing can become 50 different Countries.

    I find this very offensive. I also find it very un-American. I think it is hate speech.
    I am sorry to offend you. It was not my intention to offend anyone. I sincerely mean this because your opinion is as valid as mine.

    I am offended you think me un-American. My family was here before the term American was even thought of., we've only served in every war, but were good soldiers and survived the third hour of Normandy and Hamburger Hill. My grandfather retired at 82 years old as the oldest and longest serving prison warden in US history. My father was key in integrating schools in my home town and was the first and only white (caucasian) administrator ever invited to the largest local African-American CHurch for their teacher retirement service. Oh yes, they are also conservative and a Christians and definitely haters.
    I get accused of hate, I mean I am studying and paying major dollars (280,000) to learn to save and improve lives for a government that wants to pay me nothing and like it. Oh yes, I am definitely a hater. By the way, I am also a Christian, conservative, and despise corrupt government which especially makes me even more of a hater than my forbearers.
    You might remember this thing called the Civil War. Believe it or not, North Carolina, along with many other states asked to withdraw from the Union, but after asking the "Union" then killed 180,000 of us, and raped, pillaged, burned homes, and caused most non-slave owning families to loose their farms due to new imposed taxes, we had to give in. What choice did we have? The union really saved us then. They only killed 18% of white males between the ages of 13 and 43.
    I am not un-American. If I were I support our corrupt government and courts. I want liberty and justice for all. I have lived outside it in a socialized third world country and do not wish the US to become one. I love this country and if a foreign invader comes here I will gladly die as others have to protect it. I thank God that the war kept the US together as well, I just don't fantasize the lies that we teach our kids about the Union Army and their brutal acts. I also want the people to have power and the first and best way (in my opinion) to achieve that is for states to take control of their own internal affairs and keep the federal government out of it, even if that means ignoring the courts.
    This is my opinion, if you find it offensive then fine, but don't think your is more valid because you disagree with it. It was not meant as a hate speech. I didn't refer to you as un-American or a hater since you clearly hate conservative minded people with their own opinions.

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  • #120
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    I don't hate all conservatives, just those that would deny someone the ability to serve in elected office on the basics of his/her religious beliefs. You claim you are American, yet you support discrimination against atheists. You say you are American, yet you support a state refusing to obey, not just court rulings, but the U.S. Constitution. It says: "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." States have rights ,but they do not have the right to ignore the U.S. Constitution or the U.S. Supreme(which gets it power from the U.S. Constitution). As for what the Federal government should do if N.C. deliberately disobeys the U.S. Constitution and the U.S. Supreme court: call out the National Guard. If N.C. were to do that, wouldn't you be the least bit concerned about the U.S. Constitution and Supreme court losing their teeth? Tell me, if a state tries to ban guns, and the U.S. Supreme court rules that it violates the 2nd Amendment, can the state just ignore the Supreme Court then as well?

    America stands equality. Keeping someone out of office on bases of religious belief or lack there of, goes against that. I could be wrong, but you come across as a bigot. It seems like you hate anyone whose religious beliefs goes against your own. That is un-American.

    btw, do you think none of the 100s of thousands of brave that fought and died for this country were atheists? Do you think they fought for a nation that allows laws against atheists from taking elected office?

    one last thing, show where in the Constitution it says that states can leave the Union? I must have missed that part.

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