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Thread: North Carolina Intollerant and Unconstitutional Action

  1. #91
    Unofficial SRP Village Idiot
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    Quote Originally Posted by wpfontenot View Post
    Other than the original sin of Lucifer is there proof the 10 commandments even existed? Considering that so much of the Bible is extremely vague and has to be taken on faith - I'm more of a proof kind of person myself, is there anything other than Exodus 20:2-17 where one can find them? Stone tablets? Anything real? I ask only because I don't know.
    Actually, the Etheopian jews claim to have a box as descibed as the Biblical Ark of the covenant. However, their government uses soldiers to protect it such that only one or tow people have actually seen it and there are no pictures of what they have.
    I saw this on the History Channel and they usually do some pretty neat shows.

  2. #92
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    this may be off topic. i would like to know where an atheist gets his or her moral compass from, since they do not believe in god or gods, therefore should not believe in anything about morality in the kuran, torah, bible or any other religious documents.
    also, how would an atheist enforce and uphold any laws of the state or federal gov't if it was based on above mentioned books of religion? because he could not believe in the basis of the law, since it was for or by a god or his prophets..
    Atheists get their moral compass exactly from the same place as so called religious people get them. As a child they get their rights and wrongs from their parents and once they grow up little older, they learn to deal and understand the world, based on their experiences and influences they get from the people close to them.
    Being a member in some religious sect/tribe/church/cult is not guarantee for not doing immoral and bad things.
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  3. #93
    Senior Member wpfontenot's Avatar
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    I saw that as well and look at it as if a stranger had told me he had an Escalade while speaking to me from the drivers seat of his Pinto. Hearsay doesn't equal verification or proof to me. I will agree to the statement the History Channel has some good shows though.

  4. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sailor View Post
    Being a member in some religious sect/tribe/church/cult is not guarantee for not doing immoral and bad things.
    Catholic Priests anyone?

  5. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by wpfontenot View Post
    Catholic Priests anyone?
    why does everyone always zero in on catholic priests? there are idiots in every religion and every part of any and all societies. i am NOT defending these priests by any just seems that people always use them as an example of how terrible organized religion is..any and all perverts and such should be dealt with harshly as well as anybody else creating havoc

  6. #96
    Senior Member wpfontenot's Avatar
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    Well... it has to do with "most documented" I would imagine. Kind of like when anyone cries foul for a stereo type. The difference in the case is it isn;t a stereo type. It is a proven fact, they have religion and they are not - to my agnostic ass - moral at all.

  7. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by wpfontenot View Post
    Well... it has to do with "most documented" I would imagine. Kind of like when anyone cries foul for a stereo type. The difference in the case is it isn;t a stereo type. It is a proven fact, they have religion and they are not - to my agnostic ass - moral at all.
    ok, accepted, but also remember the taliban and al queda(spelling?) chopping off heads, "more documented" than priest molesting children, also the mideast religion of circumcision of women at a very young age "more documented" than priests

  8. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    Actually, the Etheopian jews claim to have a box as descibed as the Biblical Ark of the covenant. However, their government uses soldiers to protect it such that only one or tow people have actually seen it and there are no pictures of what they have.
    You don't want to get your face melted off, do you?

    Sorry, back to your regularly programmed and fascinating conversation.

  9. #99
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    why does everyone always zero in on catholic priests? there are idiots in every religion and every part of any and all societies. i am NOT defending these priests by any just seems that people always use them as an example of how terrible organized religion is..any and all perverts and such should be dealt with harshly as well as anybody else creating havoc
    Personally, Catholic priests are a favorite target of mine, me being a (fallen) Catholic and all... It isn't that long ago that the Catholic clergy ruled my home province in all but name, with all the human ugliness that went along with it.

    You can talk about methodists and baptists and protestants, and I have no real understanding of what that means. But Catholicism, THAT I know.

    Sorry for the
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  10. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by 59caddy View Post
    ok, accepted, but also remember the taliban and al queda(spelling?) chopping off heads, "more documented" than priest molesting children, also the mideast religion of circumcision of women at a very young age "more documented" than priests
    I'm not sure that's true. Also, molesting priests were exposed on home turf and, perhaps more importantly, have made it into our culture. There are plenty of poor taste jokes to demonstrate this.

    Anyway, why not use catholic priests as an example? If the shoe fits!

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