Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
Justifying immorality for 2,000 years.
That's a real howl coming from some people. The words 'slave' or 'slavery' are not even found in the Bible, and 'slaves' is only found one place and it is refering to sometime in the future. But if you rename something like 'employee' or 'welfare recipeint' or 'associate' or 'commrade' it doesn't change what something is. Everyone is a 'slave' to something or to someone or to some system. Who's 'slave' are you X? I know who's slave you are. You are the slave of sin, just like every lost person. And stoning was just a form of capital punishment that works, so what? We need more of it, to get rid of those who deserve it. And 'homophobia', what is that? It's just a word made up by some slick jerks to try and portray themselves as victims and shove their immorality down everyone elses throats, it isn't a 'phobia', it's a calling of filth sin and wickedness what it is.