Quote Originally Posted by ControlFreak1 View Post
Don't be so intolerant X.
I believe it was Oscar Wilde who observed tolerance does not extend to tolerating intolerance.

Slavery, bonded servitude, serfdom or whichever way you want to equivocate it, is wrong. An all knowing, all loving god would communice this to its creation.

Capital punishment is an ineffective deterrent, therefore simply vengeance and barbaric, particularly stoning. Starvation is also effective and barbaric for its suffering as well. Leaving aside that capital punishment in a modern society is madness in action, even in ancient times, beheading would have been a compassionate directive.

Homosexuality is certainly not 'filthy' or anything similar. As sexual conduct between consenting adults it is as all other such acts, perfectly normal, displayed throughout the animal kingdom regularly in virtually every genus. Yes being gay is just another way of being normal as evidenced by nature.