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  1. #21
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    The "right" in this thread all seem to agree with Billyjeff Bruno so I am really uncertain as to what you mean.
    I count three thus far.
    What about me??? You know I'm always right! Here are my credentials.

  2. #22
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    The "right" in this thread all seem to agree with Billyjeff Bruno so I am really uncertain as to what you mean.
    Do you not find it exhausting to post on this message board? You seem to be a nice enough guy and all, but nearly every one of your thousands of posts relate to your ideas about the so-called "right" and the so-called "left." Sadly, nearly everything you post is categorized into either a red or blue column (figuratively speaking). I mean, my shoulder muscles physically knot up a bit every time I wander in to this little sub-forum and, predictably, I see your latest thread, where you will take some topical news item and post the same dripping sarcasm, hinting at your where you stand politically.

    It's not just you, of course. xman does it all the time too, and I find it equally annoying. This is supposed to be a forum for varied subjects, I know; but I don't see a lot of variety. They should create another forum specifically for you guys! You could go there every time Obama is awarded an unwarranted Nobel Peace Prize and post a thread ("Congratulations to Obama for his LONNNNNNNNG overdue Prize!" would probably be the title) in which your opening post would receive "thanks" from nun2sharp, 59Caddy, etc. xman could post threads every time Cheney shoots someone in the face, or when a Bible Belt parent hauls their kid out of school because a somewhat secular rule was enforced. And he will naturally receive "thanks" from Bruno...Milton Man...etc. And there this could go on, forever and ever. Like game "to a billion."

    Anyway, just a thought.

    By the way, the picture in my avatar is of a chimpanzee. They are not monkeys. They are apes. You know? The creatures we didn't evolve from?

    Regarding Wright: Like Robertson, he speaks to a niche audience. The only time anyone else is going to hear about these guys is when they say some off-colour or controversial thing, which is bound to happen now and then, since they both seem quite ignorant. I remember Wright now from when Obama was forced to publicly acknowledge his existence to the media. I just watched the video you posted as well as a number of others and I find most of what the guy says to be pretty hate-filled and embittered. Also, I saw another clip of him appearing a via-satellite interview on Fox News, and while I'm usually frustrated with the Fox News anchor's behavior, Wright's made me dig my fingernails into my desk. He wouldn't let the guy get a word in edgewise and continually talked over him. Ridiculous.
    Last edited by Blade Wielder; 01-14-2010 at 08:04 AM.

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  4. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Question BJ ???

    And this is off topic so please forgive me here...

    But you as a fairly left leaning individual (at least you portray one on here) can instantaneously see this for the wacky fruitcake type thinking that it is... BUT !!! (not saying you here ok) Most lefties can't see the same wacky thinking when it spews forth form some Muslim clerics mouth, and jump to defend his 1st amendment right of free speech... From where I am standing it seems that the liberal left has embraced Islam and ostracized Christianity... Can you explain to me Why???

    I mean after all it is Robertson's right to free speech here too...

    Again I apologize for the but I don't have liberals to ask where I am from...
    Glenn, I am pretty damned leftist. I mean, bring on the gay marriage, redistribution of wealth and socialized health care.

    But who is saying Pat Robertson doesn't have freedom of speech? No one is saying anything about throwing the guy in Jail. It shouldn't be illegal for him to do what he does, but that desn't mean it's RIGHT for him to do it, either.

    I would LOVE to see Pat Roberston penniless, ridiculed and ignored for his hateful words, but not in jail. Just like I think Reverend Wright should shut up and keep his hate to himself. Just like I think Mark should keep...erm...I mean, umm, Mark's a pretty good guy, so he can keep talking.

    It's my freedom to say this guy is an asshat and I wish he'd shut up, and it's a freaking travesty that people believe him. Sure. Why can't a leftist have an opinion? But NO ONE is saying it should be illegal--which is what the 1st amendment is all about. Telling someone to shut up, and demanding that governments MAKE someone shut up, are two different things.

    There is NO double standard in lamenting hate speech, and defending someone's right to freedom of speech. In fact, they really should coexist, because defending speech you agree with is pretty easy. Defending speech you DON'T agree with, that's the test of someone who really does believe in rights.

    If you guys want to debate double standards, let's talk about Republican politicians and "Family Values".

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  6. #24
    Senior Member northpaw's Avatar
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    Having known quite a few Christians and non-Christians on both ends of the political spectrum, I'd like to point out that broad generalizations about what anyone thinks are not particularly useful (except this one: there are plenty of people of all stripes who wouldn't agree with Pat Robertson's 'analysis').

    Personally, I think the guy's either pure evil or off his rocker. Maybe both.
    Last edited by northpaw; 01-14-2010 at 08:15 AM.

  7. #25
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    You can't even say that in general Bruno.
    Then why is Christianity and the religious conviction of the presidential candidates so very important in a presidential election?
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    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  8. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Then why is Christianity and the religious conviction of the presidential candidates so very important in a presidential election?
    I think he meant the other part - what you said about tolerating Christian extremism.

  9. #27
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimR View Post
    Glenn, I am pretty damned leftist. I mean, bring on the gay marriage, redistribution of wealth and socialized health care.

    But who is saying Pat Robertson doesn't have freedom of speech? No one is saying anything about throwing the guy in Jail. It shouldn't be illegal for him to do what he does, but that doesn't mean it's RIGHT for him to do it, either.
    You are technically right Jim, and I thought about that when I was writing my post...
    I was wondering if somebody was going to call me on that...

    I think it is more the implication that if Billy Jeff had the juice to turn him off he would...

    But yes technically you are for sure right...

    I also think Bruno hit it right on the head with this statement too..

    "Could it be -going out on a limb here- that we attribute to God what aligns with our personal conviction, and to Satan everything that doesn't"

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

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  11. #28
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Then why is Christianity and the religious conviction of the presidential candidates so very important in a presidential election?
    Simple Numbers, IIRC it is something like 82% of Americans beleive in God and a vast majority of those are Christians...

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  13. #29
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    I thought Pat Robertson WAS the devil...then I met Peter Popoff.

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  15. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jhenry View Post
    The real issue IMHO is not Pat Robertson's politics, but his theology.
    This is the real tip. IMO he believes what he is saying and at least some of his audience along with him. As far as Reverend Wright is concerned, if you grew up in the segregated south, as I did, you might have some perspective on where his hate comes from. Nelson Mandela was able to rise above it but apparently Wright has not. I don't approve of it or condone it but I do understand it.

    Where this thread has gone is typical of any issue I've ever tried to discuss or debate with most conservatives. In '73 when the 'smoking gun' was found and Nixon was being impeached I said something about it to a conservative co-worker and his reply was that the democrats did this and they did that.

    Fast forward forty years and bring up any travesty committed by a republican politician and the response is not on topic but a retort giving an example of a liberal pol who did the same or worse. Where like a bunch of school kids at recess really.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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