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  1. #71
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    Well, the left more or less brushed off Obama's close relationship with Jeremiah Wright (who certainly is not a Christian). Also, because Pat is a republican and Christian any opinion he gives gets criticized. Yet a large gathering of muslims in Detroit can say whatever they want, and its "ok". The left is equally as hypocritical and stupid as those of us who lean the other way. Pat is an idiot, and that me and BJ" can agree on.
    I know Pat's problem that I was ignorant to before. Christians are supposed to be people of love, integrity, and honesty. Patty Boy is a lawyer, therefore none of the Christian virtues apply. Plus any Christian who asks you to send money lacks true faith. God does not need our money, and people who give should give from their hearts, not because a lunatic asks for it.
    I'm not particularly fond of any outspoken religious activists including Robertson and Wright, but how is it justified that Wright appears to be mentioned as a Muslim cleric and "not a Christian"? The only thing I can find is a single article, without citations, claiming that years ago he used to be in the Nation of Islam which itself isn't really a part of true Islam.

    Also, he was the pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ for some 35 years. That's pretty devout for somebody not a Christian.

  2. #72
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    Thanks that explains it... All...

    Come on now, Glen, that's a vague, ominous statement. Does it explain you? What, exactly, is...all...?

    My statement isn't so revealing as all that. It's simple fact.

    How's this: Ask youself why the Colonists rebelled against England and not France, and you'll have a good explanation why people don't want Christian prayer in public schools. It's all a question of power.

    Kind of like any conversation about illegal immigration is, at it's heart, a conversation about Mexican immigration, not Canadian, or German, or Irish immigration.

  3. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENUF2 View Post
    I do not side with this man on many things and I do not wish to see him make another run for any government office but he is not an idiot.
    Robertson is a Southern Baptist and was active as an ordained minister for many years, but holds to a Charismatic theology not traditionally common among Southern Baptists. Some of his education includes: Washington & Lee University where he majored in history, Marine Corps.Officer Candidates School where he finished his first Bachelor's degree, Yale University Law School with his Bachelor of Laws,and New York Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity degree. He is the founder of numerous organizations and corporations, including the American Center of Law and Justice (ACLJ), the Christian Broadcasting network (CBN), the Christian Coalition, Flying Hospital, International Family Entertainment Inc., Operation Blessing International Relief & Development Corp., and Regent University. I admit some of his views are "out there" to say the least but he has done many things to help those in need good times or bad. I have issues with anyone (including Robertson) who sensationalizes topics for any reason especially under the "Christian" banner and I know many others who feel exactly the same way. Idiot no. Off the wall Charismatic sensationalist yes. As I do not care to watch his program I guess I have less of an issue with him. I prefer finding my sources somewhere else that way I don't have to ask myself "now why did he have to go about it that way".
    Agree with opinion...he is an overeducated fool.

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  5. #74
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENUF2 View Post
    Their own history states the call for revolution came at a vodou ceremony by a vodou priest. Do you have evidence to the contrary?
    Why does a vodou ceremondy constitute a pact with the devil, but say a christian prayer or getting baptised is a pact with god?

  6. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by commiecat View Post
    I'm not particularly fond of any outspoken religious activists including Robertson and Wright, but how is it justified that Wright appears to be mentioned as a Muslim cleric and "not a Christian"? The only thing I can find is a single article, without citations, claiming that years ago he used to be in the Nation of Islam which itself isn't really a part of true Islam.

    Also, he was the pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ for some 35 years. That's pretty devout for somebody not a Christian.
    I have not mentioned him to be a muslim cleric so I am not sure you are actually saying anything by that statement. What I am saying is that Wright's statements and some muslim cleric's statements are brushed off as freedom of speech where wen Pat says something, he gets criticized much more heavily.
    As to the devoutness of Wright. Clearly you do not understand the tenants of Christianity nor does he. For all of his "education" he clearly can't interpret the Bible or else he would know it is a sin to take the Lord's name in vain. Yet he did it multiple times and in the pulpit of all places. He is only highly regarded in the militant theologian circles and most likely was given his degrees, not awarded them based on merit. He certainly is not regarded as an intelligent man outside of his own circles.
    The good news for him is that I am sure God has a very special place reserved in Hell for him and I say this with no apology. I will not be the one judging him after he dies, but I know what the Bible says about men like him. As for his supposed church, God commands Christians to love ALL people and to spread the love of Jesus Christ to ALL PEOPLE, not push a predominately militant agenda. The trinity church is certainly not "Of Christ" there website and mission demonstrates that. He tells the poor of Chicago that someone else is to blame for their state and to hate them because God hates them too. Yet, he lives in a multi-million dollar home in a white neighborhood. As far as I am concerned he is as dangerous and malicious as any terrorist of any faith and I wish he were in a foreign country being hunted rather than living here and spreading hatred. To me he is lower than a rabid animal. A few months in Abu Ghraib would have done him a lot of good.
    Last edited by treydampier; 01-15-2010 at 03:58 AM.

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  8. #76
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    That is the most compassionate and well thought out rant i have ever read. Bravo Sir! BRAVO!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    I have not mentioned him to be a muslim cleric so I am not sure you are actually saying anything by that statement. What I am saying is that Wright's statements and some muslim cleric's statements are brushed off as freedom of speech where wen Pat says something, he gets criticized much more heavily.
    As to the devoutness of Wright. Clearly you do not understand the tenants of Christianity nor does he. For all of his "education" he clearly can't interpret the Bible or else he would know it is a sin to take the Lord's name in vain. Yet he did it multiple times and in the pulpit of all places. He is only highly regarded in the militant theologian circles and most likely was given his degrees, not awarded them based on merit. He certainly is not regarded as an intelligent man outside of his own circles.
    The good news for him is that I am sure God has a very special place reserved in Hell for him and I say this with no apology. I will not be the one judging him after he dies, but I know what the Bible says about men like him. As for his supposed church, God commands Christians to love ALL people and to spread the love of Jesus Christ to ALL PEOPLE, not push a predominately militant agenda. The trinity church is certainly not "Of Christ" there website and mission demonstrates that. He tells the poor of Chicago that someone else is to blame for their state and to hate them because God hates them too. Yet, he lives in a multi-million dollar home in a white neighborhood. As far as I am concerned he is as dangerous and malicious as any terrorist of any faith and I wish he were in a foreign country being hunted rather than living here and spreading hatred. To me he is lower than a rabid animal. A few months in Abu Ghraib would have done him a lot of good.

  9. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by treydampier View Post
    I have not mentioned him to be a muslim cleric so I am not sure you are actually saying anything by that statement. What I am saying is that Wright's statements and some muslim cleric's statements are brushed off as freedom of speech where wen Pat says something, he gets criticized much more heavily.
    I believe most people with left leanings in this thread have agreed that what Pat said is protected under the first amendment. So is any speech criticizing Pat or Wright. If you ask me they're both idiots.

  10. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Why does a vodou ceremondy constitute a pact with the devil, but say a christian prayer or getting baptised is a pact with god?
    A Christian prayer or Baptism is not a "pact " with our God. The only "pact is a surrendered life in Christ Jesus our Lord. If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:9&10.

    Anything outside of this personal relationship is "of the devil". He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters Matthew 12:30.

    I do not believe calling the Haitian nation "cursed" was the right thing to do (there is such a thing called tact) he did draw attention though.
    I am involved with missions especially in this part of the world without devastating earthquakes playing havoc. My point is instead of sitting around fussing about one man's opinion time may be better spent figuring out how to help in relief efforts. We get so busy worrying about "the other guy" that we do not take time to help even though if it was us we sure would complain if we didn't get the assistance we expect. (Notice I didn't say need.)

    do you have any evidence that God was actually punishing them via the Earthquake?
    I never Said He did. All I said was that their own history shows that their revolution began at a vodou ceremony by a vodou priest. If you look at My other posts I also state that they are not mentioned in God's word so who are we to assume they are under a "curse". Technically we all suffer from the curse of sin but this is not the time or place for that discussion.

    who ever said otherwise? and we have just as much right to voice our opinions about him.
    My Mission Statement: Be a good person. Be fair, just and honorable. Follow the golden rule. Show Love, respect and mercy.
    If this is your "mission statement" what do you consider The Golden Rule? To me it is "Do to others as you would have them do to you". Is it fair or just or honoable to call someone an Idiot or their actions or speech idiotic? Is that how you would have others treat you? Does that show love, respect or mercy?

    We would be a whole lot better off if we as a people could forget the name calling and finger pointing and focus our actions on helping others
    rather than tearing down those who do not do or say what we think they should.

    Last edited by ENUF2; 01-15-2010 at 05:37 AM.

  11. #79
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Trey, you say in your sig or whatever it is called... that you are from 'cotton country'. Well so am I. I am not sure how old you are but I was growing up in a time when water fountains were labeled white and colored. When restrooms were "White" for male and a separate restroom for "white" females. One for "Colored". Not for male and female if it was for the colored ... but one just for the skin color male and female.

    When a restaurant might have a picnic table out in the back by the garbage cans where black people ... Negroes... could eat... or they might not allow them at all. If they did, and they were kind, they might have a carport type awning over the table to keep them out of the sun or the rain.

    Where a college educated black man would have to be subservient to an uneducated white man because obviously the white man was superior. That is the way cotton country was when I was growing up. Reverend Wright being older than I am remembers 14 year old Emmet Till being beaten to death for whistling at a white women.

    Remember when the KKK member blew up the church in Birmingham and killed those four little girls? In case you don't here is an article on it. How about the hundreds of lynchings over the years of negroes ?.. but these are extreme cases.

    The day to day life of being called the N-word. Of having to tell your children that they could not go to the movie or eat at the restaurant because of the color of their skin and you have a problem with Reverend Wright being angry ?

    Maybe he can't be Christian enough to forgive 'whitey' for all of the discrimination ...can you be Christian enough to forgive Reverend Wright for his anger ? Just curious ?
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  12. #80
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENUF2 View Post
    A Christian prayer or Baptism is not a "pact " with our God. The only "pact is a surrendered life in Christ Jesus our Lord. If you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:9&10.

    Anything outside of this personal relationship is "of the devil". He who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters Matthew 12:30.
    I don't really see what those bible quotations have to do with a "surrendered life in Christ Jesus our Lord". Moreover you are the one implying that that vodou ceremony is what Mr. Robertson is referring to as 'pact with satan'. I am not sure if you share the same belief and it's only a matter of not advertising it out of diplomacy, but I don't really care either way.

    Your second paragraph basically states that any posting on this forum which don't come from that personal relationship are from the devil.
    Categorizing every single relationship into either god or devil driven may make for a simple theology, but seems rather problematic.
    Of course you can opt for the escape that even if you don't recognize a particular relationship as God driven it still can be such. But then my question is again, how do you know your God wasn't directly involved in the vodou ceremony at hand. He surely hasn't told you everything yet and even if he has you're far from perfect to catch or properly interpret everything he has told you.

    As far as your observation that there are more important things about this tragedy, just take a look at this thread which was started about two and a half hours before the current one.
    As of now it has attracted a grand total of three posts and less than fifty five views! I think that says a lot about all of us who frequent the conversation and I find it rather sad.
    I only hope that this is because those with compassion beyond empty words, and holy book quotations are actually too busy to participate in this section.
    Last edited by gugi; 01-15-2010 at 07:52 AM.

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