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  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Slartibartfast;529287]Was that an answer or a random bumper sticker? Because it didnt really seem to have anything to do with my question.

    Btw, you will find that I posted a hilarious song about filibusters and jelly earlier.

    that bumper sticker sums it up

  2. #12
    This is not my actual head. HNSB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ChrisL View Post
    I would have more confidence in the country being "saved" if the citizenry would stop, once and for all believing that one side of the same coin is better than the other.
    That's what I was talking about when I said I would have more confidence if a Kennedy had been elected. The Libertarian candidate was Joe Kennedy. (no relation to the dead kennedy's (the band or the politicians))

    Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government.

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  4. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by HNSB View Post
    I would have a lot more confidence in the country being "saved" if they would have put another Kennedy in office.
    Thank God, the Kennedy's dynasty is over, and Scott Brown put the nail on the coffin.

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  6. #14
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Score one for a further continuation to deadlock, lack of progress and partisan politics!

    I am a registered independent. I think the Republicans and Democrats are the two most disruptive forces in America. I think with such partisan politics there can be no real debate. With both sides using sound-bite misinformation to get their base riled up about subjects they have only the most gut-based reactions to and surface-level knowledge of, there is nothing but two sides holding placards screaming across the metaphorical police barricades in teh stret, wailing on about how the other is the enemy of the "real America."

    I HAVE A DREAM, of an America where the interests of the people come before the ability of politicans to get (re)elected. I have a dream where everyone DOES have healtcare, but we don't have to have a fillibuster-proof majority of one party to get it shoved down the throat of another. Where justices of the highest courts are chosen (truly) for their love of justic and knowledge in law, and not their perceived political slants. Setting the political forces of the right and left against each other is about as productive as arm wrestling yourself. If you see yourself as a part of ONE America, where the freedoms of those you disagree with are just as important as your own, I hope you agree with me.

    Next time someone YOU agree with starts in with hate and fear filled discourse about YOUR side, try, TRY to see how someone who feel opposite to you might see it. I do it nearly daily. Someone very close to me refers to anything CLOSE to republican or right leaning as "The American Nazi Party" or the "New Klan." Another person who I (unfortunately) spend a not insignificant amount of time refers to Obama as "The O-G in Chief," is a certified "birther" and pretty constantly refers to the health care bill as "funds for baby-scraping."

    Do you fid either of these objectionable? If so, I I ask do you find them both objectionable? THEY DON'T DO ANY GOOD. Let's friggen work TOGETHER already. We might still be the greatest country on Earth. Let's act like it.

    Mr. Brown, congratulations. Let's see if you can hold true to your words. If you REALLY want to bring change to Washington, how about not just focusing on the last year. How about focusing onwhat is REALLY holding America back. Parties of self-interested politicians too scared to hold out a hand across the aisle. Let the days of 100% party-line votes be over.
    Let fillibusters not take the place of dialogue.

    Mr. Obama, Ms. Pelosi, and the other Democratic leadership. I ask the same of you. You still ahve a strong majority. Use it for REAL change. Real change is not only in policies, in health care, in social liberties. Real change can be, and HAS TO BE made in the way we "do" politics in this country. If you don't see how much worse it has gotten, you haven't been paying attention. Thjis is not a game of "we win, you lose." This is a game that if ANYBODY wins, we ALL LOSE.

    If anyone is still reading this ill-thought out long winded diatribe, I thank you for your time. I have not re-read it, I have not edited it. These are just my thoughts. May whatever diety you worship, if any, Bless America.

    Wow. That went on longer than I thought it would. Sorry guys.

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  8. #15
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    I don't really know much about him. The little blurb on Wikipedia marks him more as an independent which is fine with me. He might get lost in the shuffle or he might have some good ideas and charisma and follow a path similar to Obama's.

    I am slightly concerned about his stance on health care and hope that he'd pass a bill if modified correctly. On the Today Show this morning he basically said that he's against the health care bill because his state already passed a health care bill in '06. I know that his concern should be with Massachusetts, but it came off sounding like well my state has health insurance and I'm not concerned with the others.

    He seems like the kind of Republican the party needs and I hope that he's something like a young Ron Paul.

  9. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by smokelaw1 View Post

    I am a registered independent. I think the Republicans and Democrats are the two most disruptive forces in America.
    What makes you think independents are any different from the rest? Should I mention Joe Lieberman and how he swings with the wind and will sell his soul the same way the others do.
    Good thing you HAVE A DREAM, most of us do, but unfortunately is nothing more than that. Most people in Cuba also HAVE A DREAM.
    I'd like your post a lot better if you'd have ended it with GOD BLESS AMERICA

  10. #17
    Senior Member smokelaw1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Navaja View Post
    What makes you think independents are any different from the rest?
    Scale. That is all that stops THEM from being the msot disruptive force in America.

    Good thing you HAVE A DREAM, most of us do, but unfortunately is nothing more than that.
    I'm sorry, I can't believe that it is hopeless. I can't believe that this is as good as our system will ever work, both sides fighting to completely incapacitate the other. Both sides forcing the system to grind to a halt if they can't have 100% of what they want.

    I'd like your post a lot better if you'd have ended it with GOD BLESS AMERICA
    I did. Sorry if I didn't give him/her/it/them the name you like. My personal beliefs about God have as much to do with what I hope for America as do my personal beliefs about chopped liver and red onions on rye. I have strong feeleings, but I don't want it mixed up with government.

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  12. #18
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    It is amazing that former Senator Ted Kennedy's dream was universal healthcare/one payor healthcare in America, and his death, (coupled with the subsequent election of Senator Brown) could be the death nail for that dream. How ironic.


  13. #19
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    It warms the ****les of my heart

    Quote Originally Posted by mhailey View Post
    It is amazing that former Senator Ted Kennedy's dream was universal healthcare/one payor healthcare in America, and his death, (coupled with the subsequent election of Senator Brown) could be the death nail for that dream. How ironic.


  14. #20
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    The fact that a Republican won in a heavily Democratic state gives a clue of the mood of the country, and I don't think it's that everyone is turning Republican either. The average American is ****ed off. The "Tea Parties" testify to that.

    Congress has had the lowest approval rating in history, the President's approval ratings are tanking. Unemployment is and has been high for some time and no immediate help in the future for that to change. The economy is horrible and the Treasury is printing money 24/7.

    I think the next twenty years will be dramatically different than the last twenty. Everyone sees that but Congress and the President. Washington is going on its merry way doing what Washington does, raise taxes and spend our money.

    We are going to run out of commodities, energy, water, food, money (actually the ability to borrow is more correct), jobs and industrial opportunities all at the same time and soon. Change may be coming, but it may be too little too late.

    God, I hope I am wrong...... I REALLY wish to be wrong on this.

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