View Poll Results: Should practicing US physicians be required to speak fluent English?

55. You may not vote on this poll
  • Yes

    45 81.82%
  • No

    6 10.91%
  • Well, my legs are too long and I straddle the fence.

    0 0%
  • Expecting people to speak English in an English speaking country is wrong.

    3 5.45%
  • My English isn't fluent enough to understand and vote in this poll.

    1 1.82%
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Results 51 to 53 of 53
  1. #51
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    I've ran into US forum members with English supposedly their mother language fail over and over at understanding very simple words. Like 'offend', 'insult', 'unwelcome', and even 'do not'. More importantly there is so much communication failures in this section that I have to question the importance of the actual language being used.

    I have lilved in several countries that I didn't speak the local language, or at the time even very good english, and have managed perfectly fine, including in relating to doctors.

    I think you have failed to explain the problem, if there is any. Do you have any observations about your colleagues being impaired in performing good medical job due to their subpar English skills (somebody's displeasure with the rating of an institution is a strange argument to say the least)?
    Or are you advocating some sort of protectionist policies for US citizens with regards to practicing medicine in US, and are looking for something to support it?

    Spelling and Grammar always count!!!!
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  2. #52
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpl2 View Post
    So I say, bring on the foreigners! They've worked for it since age 6 so let them have it. Maybe they'll drive a BMW and my kid a Honda. So what! At least my kid enjoyed his/her childhood!
    I was a bit of a science nerd, yet I enjoyed my childhood as well. Went out a lot, partied in college, etc. And I also finished my masters degree with honors.

    The problem in the US is that education is not equivvalent with social status. A college quarterback on a 'communication degree' is a hero that everyone looks up to. The people from the science department as often labeled nerd, freaks, or other things.

    But make no mistake. The rest of the world is already overtaking the US in scientific progress and manufacturing. In this generation, the US is still reaping the benefits of the hard work of the previous generation. Next generation there will be no more need to go to the US to study at prestigious universities.
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  4. #53
    The only straight man in Thailand ndw76's Avatar
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    As an Australian living in Thailand I think that anyone who chooses to live in a foreign country should make a concerted effort to learn the local language.

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