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  1. #41
    French Toast Please! sicboater's Avatar
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    Its funny, my siblings and I were spanked up until we had enough cognition to engage in meaningful conversations about whatever we had done.

    Then we would get a long talking session where we were made to answer questions like: "What would you do about this if you were me?"

    I swear sometimes I just wished I could get hit and be done with it. The mental wearing down was far worse to me!

    I hold no ill feelings toward my parents, I like who I am and I have them to thank for it.


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  3. #42
    Big and called Ian. BigIan's Avatar
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    Hmmm Jeremy, Your post has made me thing rather than blanket rules maybe it is more important that the child understands the punishment is justified.

  4. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigIan View Post
    Hmmm Jeremy, Your post has made me thing rather than blanket rules maybe it is more important that the child understands the punishment is justified.
    Well, If it were 6 years ago (I was 12-13 when the China Plate incident happened) and still fresh, I probably would have told anyone who asked that it was unjustified... Looking back on it, I feel that I honestly deserved worse. Not only did I break something important to him (they were his late mother's) but I did it vindictively because I was being punished for something else...

    I don't think you hit a kid for everything, I think that talking is usually the best solution... I also think that hitting someone for something the first time means you wont HAVE to hit them the second time they misbehave... Just make them remember the first punishment.. For instance, now, whenever I misbehave, He still pops a belt, and just hearing that sound makes my behind ache a little. It's like some neo-Pavlovian conditioning... Hear the belt, stop everything and behave.

    I think you should hit your kids... I think -even more strongly- that you should draw the line. They break something, cuff an ear, they break something later, Clap really loudly, and when they look, make a swatting motion... If that doesn't serve'em, maybe another -light- cuff is in order.

    That's how I'm going to do it at least.

    However, this NEEDS to be tempered with kindness. You want to be their friend, but you want them to know you're still in charge... You can't be ONLY known as a punisher, but you have to let them know you're not afraid to punish....

    The way my dad puts it is to be more willing to praise than to punish, but don't be adverse to the latter. I love my father, I heed my father, and I behave even when he isn't present.

    /text wall

  5. #44
    Freakin' Ladies Man Hillie's Avatar
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    My wife's due next week, for our first, a boy. I was raised on a consistent set of rules, with the third warning being a spanking. Try that a few times and one learns.

    I liked the "empty room" and, once kids are old enough (so that'll be quite a few years for me), the mentally exhaustive discussion are interesting.

    There are many parents that screw themselves over. No attention to what children do, if their noise levels finally exceed the parental threshold (and by that time it has exceeded mine by far!), picking the easiest way out to silence the kid (usually rewarding bad behaviour). It is difficult and takes a lot of time and effort at times you're tired. I hope I'll have the capabilities to do it.

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