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I think you will find modern science has proven beyond doubt that thats actually not correct - thoughts are real, and stored in the brain, and can be accessed by external sources...although interpretation of the data obtained from the brain is still unable to be coherently deciphered (so to speak).Thoughts accessed through external sources? Do you mean like a probe is stuck in the brain and we can hear the thoughts relayed through this external source- hear the sounds of children playing or lectures from your father as heard within the mind? or some gadget runs a movie of someone's memory or dream? When in the 7th grade we watched a film clip of surgeons probing a woman's exposed brain and she described the memories that came about. Or, are you talking about brain scans that can be interpreted as this brain is happy, depressed, angry etc.? Yet none of this science and technology can point to a part of the brain and say this is where the person having the thoughts is. Thoughts are what tell us we are better than someone else. Thoughts are what tell us it is the situation that makes us happy or sad; or that this person has made you angry. while i cannot cover every kind of thought these are the best example I can point to to show you thoughts are not real.
I assume you are referring to the commonly held belief of christians that involves so-called going to heaven. Unfortunately, the bible is very clear as to the number of those going to heaven (144,000), so the "transmutation" as you put it, is not for everyone. If you could accept that all things in existence-the manifest world- are in their essence the manifest consciousness of God; then you would know that this One Life is eternal and does not die. The atoms which comprise your body at this moment are continually being exchanged with other atoms; even your bones within 5 years or so will be totally composed of different atoms than those there presently; as well when we die we become part of something else.
dude.....what?? no offence, but is that even english?? the truth in the bible is clear, concise, and easy to understand. what you just said is about as far removed from that as one can get. it sounds like you are more confused than anything.....