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  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by joscobo View Post
    All I think is it must be nice to have jobs where you don't have to deal with the public and the demeaning way they treat those in positions of servitude.
    All jobs require that you interact with others in one way or another, i.e. "the public," so I'm well aware of how poorly people in the service industry can be treated by an increasingly hostile and uncaring society that we appear to be living in today. But they can also be treated by some people very well, and I'm sure there are a number of pleasant interactions that must occur for those in "positions of servitude." I don't consider waitresses, waiters, store clerks, or customer service people as servants by any stretch of the imagination; I'll leave that quote to you.

    You're not alone in feeling frustrated, and yes, downright angry at poor and demeaning treatment you've experienced at your job or in your day to day activities. You can probably name 3 or 4 "WTF Was That?!?!?" episodes that may have occurred just today. And I could probably relate, because I had some, too.

    If the flight attendant was struck, or shoved as you've stated in your initial post, then security should have been notified and the passenger placed under arrest, either before the flight left or upon landing. It's called battery and no one should have to take that, no matter what your job is.

    I understand the frustration the flight attendant must have been feeling, but who HASN'T felt like sliding down the emergency chute with two beers in your hands, as nathan so aptly put it, when leaving work? Nowadays, I'm cautiously surprised that these incidents don't happen more often, but my BS detector starts flashing whenever these stories happen because I know that there are two, but often more, sides to a story and the facts get lost in the fireworks and smoke of the theatrics of what I consider an immature and thoughtless "mind snap." In many respects, the attendant's reaction is a perfect mirror of the very behavior he was getting from passengers that "set him off" in the first place.

    Is he some sort of folk hero? A shining beacon to service people everywhere? In my opinion, no.


  2. #42
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Question Just too much rudenss anymore......

    All I know is that in this day n age,even if you do the right thing and follow all the rules,you still can end up getting shafted on the job by passive agressive co-workers,dishonest or lazy bosses,Vendictive customers etc. This is what letting litigation run rampant in our society has done. That compounded by Electronic gadgetry running our lives any making it too easy to not have to always deal with people directly and not having to be held accountable for anything any more. Everyones a victim and nobody has the nads to stand up for the true victim anymore because everybody is in fear of litigation.No one will back up anybody anymore. No one says no. And people with money and power are left to run amok without consequence. Kids are not punished for acting up or lying because the beureaucrats step in when parents try to chastise them.They then grow up to be ill mannered and rude.And some older people see this and follow suite as well. I just don't get it anymore. what's it gonna take to get things right again ? As for wether this guy did right or wrong. We can't really judge unless we walk in his shoes and who knows what was going on in his life before this.Maybe it was a buildup of a lot of things. Just too confusing anymore . Wish we could all get along better .

  3. #43
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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