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Thread: So whats so wrong with being able to speak French?

  1. #11
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    Is that a compliment or insult?

    That depends whether it benefits my campaign at the given moment

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  2. #12
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's the same garbage like when the last President was running for office and the "common folks" liked him because he seemed to be dumb like them. Just a regular guy.

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  3. #13
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    yet the last president went to yale for his BA and a little school called Harvard for his MBA. Became a pilot and spoke two languages, and owned a major league baseball team. He was a real dummy lol

    I am not arguing your point lol simply pointing out that he made himself look like a common man, a regular guy, even though he was anything but.

    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    It's the same garbage like when the last President was running for office and the "common folks" liked him because he seemed to be dumb like them. Just a regular guy.

    You know you can't trust smart people.
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  4. #14
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    It's because French isn't the language of prosperity, but one of the languages of living in the ghetto, which likely means the language in the jewish neighborhoods in the middle ages:

    5:50 @ Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace - Fox News

    Or may be it's just the language of the elites that are not the same elite that Gingrich belongs to.

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slartibartfast View Post
    There seems to be a strong anti-intellectualism movement in this country now.

    France specifically; I believe all the French hate started when they did not support the Iraq invasion. Remember the "Freedom Fries" episode in washington.....?
    Started before that even, Operation El Dorado Canyon in 1986, they wouldn't let our jets overfly their country to go thump Libya. We flew around and thumped them anyway. Don't know why that surprised anyone, let's just say the French have never been huge fans of tactical operations of any sort (and that's as far as I'm gonna take that.)

    As far as the Mitt speaks French remark, I'm as Republican as they come and I'm absolutely over these two guys ceasing any opportunity to bash one another. I can't be certain but I believe Gingrich was, in an underhanded sort of way, infering that relative to national defense Mitt, like John Kerry, would take a less than aggressive stance (hey, not bad, two paragraphs about the French and not one incendiary comment.)

    I recently saw the movie Idiocracy. Yeah, it's meant to be comedy but life imitating art was absolutely shocking. As much as it pains me to admit, now more than ever, Americans seem to celebrate their ignorance bad judgement and self absorbed attitudes.

    PS: I voted Democrat for the 3rd time in my life today (Mitt Romney). The other two were Charlie Crist and John McCain It would appear the GOP has gone largely Progressive and is no longer the bastion of conservative politics it once was (i.e. Goldwater/Ronaldus Magnus)
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 02-01-2012 at 02:24 AM.
    The older I get, the better I was

  6. #16
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Ronaldus Magnus
    I laughed adgdag
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  7. #17
    Nic by name not by nature Jeltz's Avatar
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    Its all very interesting, for me the ability to speak French would mean the ability to communicate more effectively with nationals of several European countries, several African countries, several Island nations and Canada. Rather than meaning a person would have some kind of elitist attitude or affinity with another country's foreign policy.

    We suffer some anti-intellectual attitudes here politicians are expected to have the common touch. Personally I think we should have the best academics and business leaders in our government but we seem to resent paying politicians the kind of money that would attract the best. So as one would expect the have, mostly, got monkeys because we are paying peanuts.
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  8. #18
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    PS: I voted Democrat for the 3rd time in my life today (Mitt Romney). The other two were Charlie Crist and John McCain It would appear the GOP has gone largely Progressive and is no longer the bastion of conservative politics it once was (i.e. Goldwater/Ronaldus Magnus)
    The interesting is that you only have the GOP itself to blame for that.
    Only registered republicans get to vote in the primaries. If republicans as a group voted for actual conservatives, those conservatives would be on top of the heap, at least as far as the GOP goes.
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  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Im not sure what he ment by it. But id does come across as an ignorant statement. It is very sad over here. You would be hard pressed to find a Politician who really is who they appear to be. Sad! But I dont trust any of them. Expecially our current Pres!

  10. #20
    I've Got R.A.D. Bad! Omega1975's Avatar
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    There all screwing us but the democrats use Vaseline! LOL
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