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Thread: So whats so wrong with being able to speak French?

  1. #51
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    Check out what Sarah really did in Alaska. She threw the corrupt Republicans out and became the Democrats darling. She told the oil companies to drill or I am going to pull your contracts. So they got off their asses and started drilling. Then she went after the Democrats and everyone hated her. They pulled the same crap on her that they did on Gingrich. They brought so many phoney ethics charges on her that the Gov was paralyzed.

    I much prefer gridlock to the runaway spending we have now.
    I've heard from other people that she did a good Job in Alaska, but after the general election she just didn't fit anymore.
    People didn't go after her because of going after democrats. They went after her because she went into the general election unprepared and unwilling to learn.
    After the election, even the republicans went after her so don't pin this just on democrats.
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  3. #52
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Here's my guy, Lt Col Allen "No B@ll$hit" West. Yes, he's pissed more than a few people off, not the least of which is Debbie Wasserman Schultz (quite possibly the stupidest human being I've ever even heard of.) Unlike life, I think that in the context of politics, pissing people off clearly identifies someone with a pragmatic approach who brings something new to the table. Those that are content to simply queue up at the buttocks of the establishment never seem to piss anyone off that should be our first clue that we're in for more of the same. Case in point, this video, the politician, the lawyer and even a General tap dance around answering the question in right speech so as not to piss anyone off. Col West jumps in and just drops it like it's hot. And by the way, I didn't see a teleprompter anywhere. Sh!T Hot Colonel! Outstanding!
    Are you sure your hero is not refering to the Christian bible?
    If you find out a city worships a different god, destroy the city and kill all of it's inhabitants... even the animals. (Deuteronomy 13:12-15)
    Deuteronomy, leviticus, etc contain an awful lot of commandments for killing and destroying everything, from animals to entire cities.
    Fwiw, a couple of years ago, an internationally respected imam in the UK wrote a 600 page analysis, detailing exactly why what terrorists were doing was wrong. Guess what, other thanspecific pick and choose verses to support their cause, muslim terrorists don't have a theological leg to stand on.

    But your hero doesn't seem to care. But that's allright eh. As long as he is making people angry?
    Last edited by Bruno; 02-03-2012 at 06:11 AM.
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  5. #53
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    Check out what Sarah really did in Alaska. She threw the corrupt Republicans out and became the Democrats darling. She told the oil companies to drill or I am going to pull your contracts. So they got off their asses and started drilling. Then she went after the Democrats and everyone hated her. They pulled the same crap on her that they did on Gingrich. They brought so many phoney ethics charges on her that the Gov was paralyzed.
    Yeah, she did pretty much what Gingrich did in congress, ran an insurrection against the people in power and took over them. And then once they got in the position in power they ran the same political corruption that they were rallying against before. I guess to some people changing the face of corruption is the same thing as getting rid of corruption, but to me it ain't.

    As far as I can tell the overarching principle to everything she does is making money.

    About her half-term governorship that she didn't quit, I can't see much positive. She shifted the state revenue towards energy, i.e. moving her state more towards Saudi Arabia, and away from Silicon Valley. The state still can't make it on its own and year after year is continuing to be bailed out by the rest of the country, yet when the oil prices got higher she used the extra revenue to cut a paycheck to everybody in the state. She's just a mediocre populist with really keen sense for short and medium term politics, especially things that benefit her directly, but very limited capability for long term strategic thinking, especially when it may be beneficial for others. Good thing back in 1867 US had William Sewer for a secretary of state and not somebody like Sarah Palin.
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  7. #54
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Yeah, she did pretty much what Gingrich did in congress, ran an insurrection against the people in power and took over them. And then once they got in the position in power they ran the same political corruption that they were rallying against before. I guess to some people changing the face of corruption is the same thing as getting rid of corruption, but to me it ain't.
    That's literally what revolution means: to go around and get back where you started.
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  9. #55
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    She shifted the state revenue towards energy, i.e. moving her state more towards Saudi Arabia, and away from Silicon Valley.The state still can't make it on its own and year after year is continuing to be bailed out by the rest of the country, yet when the oil prices got higher she used the extra revenue to cut a paycheck to everybody in the state.
    No offense dude, but there's three completely false statements in one paragraph. 1. The Alaska pipeline was built in the mid 70's so energy was a huge part of the state's revenue back then and remains so today. Not long after the pipeline was built the "Permanent Fund" program went into place. This is simply the state sharing the a portion of that oil revenue with the people. Being a socialist and the first guy in line to eat the rich, I would have thought that the government and big business giving back to the common folk would appeal to your sensibilities. In any case, both of these events existed a LONG time before Palin was even alive, let alone governor. While it is true, they do have a deficeit, by comparison to some other (more liberal) states it's actually fairly modest. I could find no indication that other states are proping up or bailing out Alaska. In fact, all indications I could find had them doing a bit better than most of the lower 48 the unemployment rate in Alaska is currently 7.3% (still much lower than the national average.).
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  11. #56
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Are you sure your hero is not refering to the Christian bible?

    Deuteronomy, leviticus, etc contain an awful lot of commandments for killing and destroying everything, from animals to entire cities.
    Fwiw, a couple of years ago, an internationally respected imam in the UK wrote a 600 page analysis, detailing exactly why what terrorists were doing was wrong. Guess what, other thanspecific pick and choose verses to support their cause, muslim terrorists don't have a theological leg to stand on.

    But your hero doesn't seem to care. But that's allright eh. As long as he is making people angry?
    Granted, Old Testament God was pretty rough around the edges but there are some distinctions that you are totally glossing over. There is no global religious, political, and military effort to destroy non-Christians simply because they are non-Christians. True there were the Crusades but that was 1000 years or so ago and oh by the way was a response to Muslim aggression. Furthermore, the second coming of Jesus has absolutely nothing to do with how many non-Christians we can manage to cull from the heard. Not so in Islam. I'm pretty sure that if it had been Methodists that flew the airplanes into the twin towers, that Methodists all over the world would raise up in outrage. While there have been a handful of upstanding Muslims that spoke out against the actions of 9/11 many Muslims around the world CELEBRATED this atrocity. More still were either too cowardly to speak out or quietly supported the actions through their local mosques. The Colonel simply speaks the truth. Most people dig it but the people he's angering are for the most part left wing moral relativists and politically correct fanatics who will tolerate just about anything other than a conservative Christian. Me and a lot of the common folks in my country are OK with that.
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  13. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    No offense dude, but there's three completely false statements in one paragraph. 1. The Alaska pipeline was built in the mid 70's so energy was a huge part of the state's revenue back then and remains so today. Not long after the pipeline was built the "Permanent Fund" program went into place. This is simply the state sharing the a portion of that oil revenue with the people.
    In '08 Palin approved the Alaska Resource Rebate which gave an additional $1200 check to all Alaska residents.
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  15. #58
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    Granted, Old Testament God was pretty rough around the edges but there are some distinctions that you are totally glossing over. There is no global religious, political, and military effort to destroy non-Christians simply because they are non-Christians. True there were the Crusades but that was 1000 years or so ago and oh by the way was a response to Muslim aggression.
    Yeah. How dare they take back their land that we took from them

    Look, in the dark and middle ages, new testament Christianity was used to commit some of the worst atrocities ever.
    The tenets of Christianity have really not changed that much. Ergo, Christianity itself was not the cause of the problem, just like Islam itself is not the cause of the problem. I have 2 devout muslim colleagues, not 3 desks away from me, and neither has tried to do anything to me. There are about a billion muslims in the world, and only a teeny, tiny incredibly small fraction is actively trying to do bad things to other countries.

    Islam is used as an excuse by people with a political agenda. the problem is the people with the agenda and the people trying to engage in terrorism.
    It's a political problem, not a religious problem, in the same way that the crusades were not religious wars but political wars.
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  17. #59
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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  19. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    new testament Christianity was used to commit some of the worst atrocities ever is one of the worst atrocities ever
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