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Thread: So whats so wrong with being able to speak French?

  1. #81
    Senior Member TURNMASTER's Avatar
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    I admire the French to some degree. They will have a revolution at the drop of a hat (so to speak).

    As to speaking multiple languages, the more the better. I only speak two; English and Spanish (and neither one well). I forgot what little Tzutujil I learned and only know 2 words in Quiche (both are Mayan languages).

    I intend on becoming more fluent in Spanish and learning some Portuguese and maybe some other romance languages. Depends on where I want to travel to some degree. French appears to be more difficult than I wish to deal with. Here in the western hemisphere I can survive knowing what I now am able to speak.


  2. #82
    Senior Member TURNMASTER's Avatar
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    As for the political side of this thread, we will get what they give us. It will be some one who will hold the status quo. I have very little respect for either major party here in the States.

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  3. #83
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Right now, Iran feels that the only way to keep out the US and Israel is to have nukes.
    From what happened in the last decades, I can't blame them. Countries like Iran don't enjoy being invaded or having their population dropped into chaos, just because it has a short term benefit to the US.
    The difference here is that the US and Israel have not vowed to wipe Iran off the map like Iran has vowed to eliminate Israel.

    The US is not sponsoring Terrorism like Iran is by sending explosives to Iraq and killing our troops.

    The difference is that Iran intends to USE those nukes instead of just having them as a deterrent. The President of Iran is a madman that denies The Holocaust ever happened.

    These are the reasons that Israel cannot allow Iran to get Nukes and the US should be supporting them.

  4. #84
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    I don't remember how I came across this page now. It probably had something to do with trolls and ethos, but anyway I saw this and it reminded me of this thread
    In praise of Obama’s rhetoric
    For too long in this country our politician’s and CEO’s have avoided eloquence as something unworthy, untrustworthy, vaguely “European”. They were proud of being plain spoken. Of being a man or woman of the people. That refusal to heed Aristotle’s simple techniques might have worked until now.
    Ironically, Obama seems to me to attempt to present himself as something of a master thinker who, above the fray of mere mortal intellectual skirmishes and petty arguing, presents far-reaching and superior solutions which must be implemented at any cost because they are urgently necessary for the people's social and political viability- in the vein of wikipedia's take on populism: "a common theme compares 'the people' against 'the elite', and urges social and political system changes"
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  5. #85
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnus View Post
    It's always been un-American to speak French. Don't you remember that we had to fight them for our Independence back in 1776. And if it wasn't for the English coming to our aid we'd still be a French Colony!
    Wait a minute ** that was someone's campaign ad**. The French were the ones to help us! I guess it was all about French Fries and the Fat and it not being good for us and putting a Tax on them because of ... Wait a minute... That was another Campaign ad... Well if you speak French then your smart! That's it; and we can't have smart people!!
    The French were also the ones slaughtering people in America during the French and Indian wars.

    Yes they helped us during the revolution, but only because it hurt England. Even so they have been well repaid by us kicking the Germans out of France twice. Since then the French have not really been allies. When we decided to slap Gadaffi down a little they refused to let us use French airspace so out pilots had to fly a 1500 mile rout.

    The few times I have had to deal with a French made piece of equipment waiting 4 hours for a return phone call was not unusual. The French being rude to American tourists is legendary. Johnny Depp lives in France and has a French wife and his comments about the US after 9/11 are the reason I refuse to watch any movie that he is involved with. Even the Canadians hate the French Canadians.

  6. #86
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    The difference here is that the US and Israel have not vowed to wipe Iran off the map like Iran has vowed to eliminate Israel. The US is not sponsoring Terrorism like Iran is by sending explosives to Iraq and killing our troops.The difference is that Iran intends to USE those nukes instead of just having them as a deterrent. The President of Iran is a madman that denies The Holocaust ever happened.These are the reasons that Israel cannot allow Iran to get Nukes and the US should be supporting them.
    Read up on the Middle Eastern theater of WWI. Pay special attention to the Hussein-McMahon correspondence, the Sykes-Picot agreement and the Balfour Declaration. Interesting stuff that gives a little more perpective on why Iran and the rest of the Arab world is the way it is.
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  7. #87
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    The French were also the ones slaughtering people in America during the French and Indian wars.
    And the Americans were the ones slaughtering the Native Americans. Thanksgiving is still one of the most ironic celebrations I've heard of.
    Let's not go and argue about who killed whom, because a) all countries have egg on their face, and b) Belgium would kick your ass in the body coun stats

    Yes they helped us during the revolution, but only because it hurt England. Even so they have been well repaid by us kicking the Germans out of France twice. Since then the French have not really been allies. When we decided to slap Gadaffi down a little they refused to let us use French airspace so out pilots had to fly a 1500 mile rout.
    The Americans showed up late, and only after Japan attacked them. Japan was a German Ally. The American help was extremely valuable at the time, but the motivations for joining were not selfless. The US was more than happy enough to stand aside and watch until Japan attacked pearl harbor.

    Also, the concept of ally works both ways. The US wanted the French to join the invasion of Iraq under the WMD pretext.
    When the French asked for proof, Bush told them they should take him at his word. In the reverse scenario, the US would never have gone ahead with that. And hindsight being 20/20, it turns out there was no proof as well.

    The few times I have had to deal with a French made piece of equipment waiting 4 hours for a return phone call was not unusual. The French being rude to American tourists is legendary. Johnny Depp lives in France and has a French wife and his comments about the US after 9/11 are the reason I refuse to watch any movie that he is involved with. Even the Canadians hate the French Canadians.
    Then again, Americans also have quite a reputation when it comes to dealing with other countries.
    Last edited by Bruno; 02-06-2012 at 05:31 PM.
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  8. #88
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Americans also have quite a reputation when it comes to dealing with other countries.
    Admit it Bruno, you're just jealous!
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  9. #89
    Senior Member decraew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    The difference is that Iran intends to USE those nukes instead of just having them as a deterrent.
    That's bullshit. What do you think will happen to the first country that uses nuclear weapons against for instance Israel ?
    Right, it would be destroyed. Even Ahmadinejad knows that. Don't listen too much to what he says, it's just rhetoric.
    I would think that in the US you have enough experience with politicians to know the difference between word and deed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    The US is not sponsoring Terrorism like Iran is by sending explosives to Iraq and killing our troops.
    The US is using drones in Pakistan. From the point of view of the people over there that is terrorism.
    And terrorism is just one kind of dirty politics. There's also the support of dictators like the Shah, Saddam, the taliban ...

  10. #90
    Senior Member decraew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    The French were also the ones slaughtering people in America during the French and Indian wars.

    Yes they helped us during the revolution, but only because it hurt England. Even so they have been well repaid by us kicking the Germans out of France twice. Since then the French have not really been allies. When we decided to slap Gadaffi down a little they refused to let us use French airspace so out pilots had to fly a 1500 mile rout.

    The few times I have had to deal with a French made piece of equipment waiting 4 hours for a return phone call was not unusual. The French being rude to American tourists is legendary. Johnny Depp lives in France and has a French wife and his comments about the US after 9/11 are the reason I refuse to watch any movie that he is involved with. Even the Canadians hate the French Canadians.
    I'm not even going to start on this one.

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