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Thread: Trayvon Martin (pardon me if this subject is verboten.)

  1. #161
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Well take the backstrap,only part of a blackie worth eating,and Glen. just pop it in the head with a .223.
    This ain't no Griz

  2. #162
    epd is offline
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    Here is my take FWIW, feel free to poke holes in it.
    Put everything aside up to when the gun goes off.
    If there is a physical altercation between two parties and the losing party happens to have a pistol, my belief is it should be used.
    I know there is no proof in this case, but imagine Martin had have beaten Zimmerman, then used his gun to kill him?
    If the "story" is true, than you can bet Zimmerman was imagining that same scenario, and made the choice that his life was more valuable.

    Its just my personal belief that race, drugs, football, age, size, ect have absolutely no bearing when its time to decide who's life is more valuable.

    That being said, I find it hard to take a side in this case.
    I dont find it hard to believe Zimmerman was attacked while heading back to his vehicle,
    But I also couldnt imagine being in a position where I was so desperate I absolutely had to put a bullet in someone.

    My respects go to both parties, its an unfortunate situation that has changed two lives forever.

  3. #163
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    If I am physically attacked by anyone, unprovoked, I would not hesitate to use my gun. I would feel bad about it later, but I plan to survive.

    If my family was with me, I would have even less hesitation. If I happened to stumble upon a robbery situation where the man was carrying a gun, I think I would use it in that situation also. If my family was present I know I would. I've carried a gun every day for many years and I have carefully thought through every situation I can imagine.

    When someone threatens deadly force, they reap what they sow. Banging someone's head on the ground is deadly force. Unless they can prove Zimmerman started the altercation, I hope he gets off.

  4. #164
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    Since everyone is dropping their two cents into this - I'll drop a nickle.

    I was no angel in my youth, not in the least. I still bear the tattoos from it so my kids can learn from MY mistakes.

    If you dress and act a certain way - expect the flak that comes with it. I have a ring in my nose, gauged ears and lots of tattoos. I KNOW the looks I get and when I was overseas, I KNOW the comments that were being made by very conservative people. Do I get worked up? No - it is MY choice to look this way - no one made me do this. So, if you look like a thug and are walking around at night (prowling) - expect some person to stop you and ask some questions or harass you (come to my neighborhood and you will get it as well - especially if you do not look like you belong here). Big difference is - when I was confronted I knew either tell them where I was going or get the hell out of Dodge, not mouth off and jump on someone. I have plenty of scars from my proud days when I was worried more worried about my ego and not enough about being just and fair. I just love when people talk to me and change their view because I am a lot more articulate and personable than they expected (the Mrs will tell you I am a teddy bear).

    BOTH parties have to accept responsibility for their actions - simple enough. Trayvon paid a price for ignorance and pride, Zimmerman is paying for being a bit aggressive in his actions and not backing off when the police said they were en route. Maybe if Trayvon's mother and father chose to be parents instead of watching their son act the fool and encouraging it (I got the snot beat out of me when my mother saw my first tattoo and she tried to wash it off with bleach) maybe he would not have put himself in harms way. The problem all around is lack of respect.

    Should have learned the motto - Don't start nothing and there will be nothing......

  5. #165
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    I disagree. People in the neighborhood were being terrorized and robbed, REPEATEDLY. Zimmerman was hired to watch the neighborhood. He had called the police on other occasions and by the time the police showed up the bad guys were gone.

    He was trying to keep the suspect in sight while waiting for the police. I think he was justified.
    Was he hired or did he volunteer?
    Anyway, I think that is neither here nor there. And whether zimmerman was injured is irrelevant either.
    The key point on which this whole case will hinge is whether trayvon had reason to feel threatened enough to take on zimmerman.

    Because while Zimmerman didn't do anything wrong per se, neither did Trayvon up until the confrontation.
    Someone will be covered by self defense, and the other won't. The fact that zimmerman has injuries and shot trayvon will not matter if trayvon could have been justified in a preemptive strike.
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    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
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  6. #166
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    If I am physically attacked by anyone, unprovoked, I would not hesitate to use my gun. I would feel bad about it later, but I plan to survive.
    This is what it will all be about. I wonder if the truth will come out.
    I am not up to date on the efficiency of the legal system. What is the expected date that this will go to trial?
    Or has the case not yet appeared before the grand jury?
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  7. #167
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    This is what it will all be about. I wonder if the truth will come out.
    I am not up to date on the efficiency of the legal system. What is the expected date that this will go to trial?
    Or has the case not yet appeared before the grand jury?
    It is my understanding that Zimmerman was Hired to watch the neighborhood.

    This is part of the problem. The case will not go to the Grand Jury. The prosecutor decided to bypass that step. I suspect that she realized the she didn't have a strong enough case to get past the Grand Jury.

  8. #168
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    It is my understanding that Zimmerman was Hired to watch the neighborhood.

    This is part of the problem. The case will not go to the Grand Jury. The prosecutor decided to bypass that step. I suspect that she realized the she didn't have a strong enough case to get past the Grand Jury.
    It is my understanding he was a neighborhood watch volunteer. When you say hired it has the connotation he was a paid employee like a security guard or something similar. Usually neighborhood watch people have very specific rules governing what they can or can not do. If he was a paid security person the rules are even more stringent.

    Actually, often times Grand Juries are used for political reasons. If it's a hot case and a GJ says no then the prosecutor can say it's not his fault blame the GJ or if it's a very strong case he may not need them. All kinds of scenarios there.

  9. #169
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    It is my understanding he was a neighborhood watch volunteer. When you say hired it has the connotation he was a paid employee like a security guard or something similar. Usually neighborhood watch people have very specific rules governing what they can or can not do. If he was a paid security person the rules are even more stringent.

    Actually, often times Grand Juries are used for political reasons. If it's a hot case and a GJ says no then the prosecutor can say it's not his fault blame the GJ or if it's a very strong case he may not need them. All kinds of scenarios there.
    I thought the neighborhood hired him, but I am going on memory of a story I read over a month ago.

    The case was originally going to the GJ, but after the special prosecutor was appointed and all the Feds descended on the county, it was decided not to go there. The whole thing is so politically charged now that the trial will be a circus. Politics and public opinion should have no part at all, but of course it does.
    Fair and impartial has become a joke.

  10. #170
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Simple Rule of using a Weapon

    I learned a very simple rule long ago, if you are going to carry a weapon as a civilian/citizen, "It is a life insurance policy" nothing more nothing less, you only pull the weapon to protect your life or that of another... If you pull the weapon, then intend to kill, and know that you will have to deal with the fallout...

    You will probably get charged, and even if found innocent, you will probably lose in civil court, very very few shooters "get away with it" so to speak, especially if you are not inside your own home...

    The right or wrong of the shooting has very little to do with the outcome, this case is a prime example Zimmerman cannot win, he will have his entire life destroyed regardless of if he was justified with the shooting...
    When he put on a gun he made a choice, as do I, and every other person that carries, and only he knows if the was justified in using his weapon, no Judge or Jury will ever know the truth... Nor will we

    That stupid old saying "I would rather be judged by 12 then carried by 6" well George made his choice...
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