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Thread: The things you see while driving.

  1. #21
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    Does no one carpool or bicycle?

    Yes by all means, be safe. I we don't need to see photos of members doing stupid things...
    HAVE YOU READ....they now have come out with a working prototype of hover bike. Troubles comin...I feel it.

  2. #22
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    Today while driving to work enjoying the new aftershave my wife got for me yesterday, I looked out my window and saw a guy shaving with an electric as he drove.

    I thought, "how sad" it's a mundane task that he takes no more pride in than eating a fast food burger that tastes bad but fills the void...

    What do you guys see?
    Unit! That was me!

    Well me in my fantasy anyway. Man, how I wanted to be that guy.

    There was a time in my youth that they ran adds showing guys shaving with an electric in their cars, as they speed away to work - I wanted to be that guy. Alas, I never found an electric that didn't pull the heck out of me, and leave me with an obvious redness that just wasn't suitable for public display. But take my word for it, it wasn't for a lack of trying. I think I bought an electric, or was given one every x-mas for years.

    Had they worked - I doubt I would be sitting here typing this.

    It wasn't until I moved to KS that I began to "smell the roses" again, as it were. Back in my "city days" to be able to multi-task in the car that I practically lived in, would have been the height of cool!

  3. #23
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    Being a motorcyclist, I prefer not to call myself a "biker," that's a whole nother story, anyway... I have some true horror stories about the things I have encountered while cruisin' down the hiways and biways of the central states of America.
    My pet peave used to be during my 75 mile commute to work in the mornings when I would pull along side women with the visor down, knee on steering wheel and both hands applying make-up! These ladies were completely oblivious to the owrld around them. The real trouble was that this was not happening at stop lights, ohhh no, they were applying their beauty products while moving down the road through city traffic. Granted, Lincoln Nebraska isn't exactly a major metrololis but during rush hour it can be fairly hectic. Not to let us macho types off the hook, the "metrosexuals" would be just as busy apply the hair gel and trying to get their thinning hair justt right or someone would be doing paperwork on his way to the office while motoring through down town Lincoln. There were days I was almost nervous on my great big shiny Harley with all it's collision protection devices to protect me from these less than attentive drivers. There were so many times I wish I had a camera to take pictures of these people to post on the web, but that would have made me just as dangerous as them.
    More recently the danger has changed, for me anyway, because I no longer commute from the SE corner of the state in to Lincoln. Now when I am out enjoying a beautiful day's ride I have to be on the alert for the wannabe professional race car drivers who love drafting. These fools in Nebraska tailgate worse than in any other stae I have ever lived before! I'm talking about all-aged drivers tailgating as close as 1 car length at interstate speeds. It doesn't matter what the road or weather conditions are or the vehicle one is driving, these wannbe are driven to tailgate, even when I'm on my Harley! It's uncomfortable when cars do it but try having an 18-wheeler barreling down your saddlebags about 20 feet away trying to get you to go faster just because he can't pass you and you're not going fast enough for him. This happens so often that it doesn't make me nervous any more, I just get pissed and throw up the one finger salute. The problem is that they are so close to the back of my bike they can't see my finger or me for that matter.
    BUT those aren't even the scariest things I have dealth with. I know I shouldn't claim to have seen these exclusively because my wife has encountered them as well as other motorcycle riders I have spoken with in many states. On to the horror. THE TEXTERS... Seeing them alongside me is a little unnerving but a normal sight as is seeing them everywhere else in society. What scares the crap out of me is when I am motoring down the road and the on-coming vehicle begins to drift into my lane and keeps drifting until it is all the way in my lane not slowing down! I manage to get all the way tp the right, as far to the right as the shoulder will allow without going into the ditch and look into the driver's seat of the passing car as it zooms by and what do I see - the driver's head down and fingers going nuts on the little keyboad and some dumassed expression on his or her face while composing the latest mindless textease say nothing message. The person who nearly killed me was completely oblivious to the incident and only realized she had drifted to the wrong side of the road when the rumble bars alerter her to the fact that she was about to go in to the ditch! I know this because by the time she had passed me I had already stopped and was turning around to prepare to pursue. I followed this young college student for about 15 miles to the next town and watched her perform this same near death ballet maneuver 3 more times! When she finally stopped at a stop light I pulled along side her and told her she should put the cell phone down and pay attention to the road. She politely flipped me off and sped away through a red light! Mind you, I did NOT yell at her like I wanted to because I knew it would be counterproductive, what was I thinking.
    That same scenario has played itself out in front of me more times than I care recall over tha last 4 years. When the state of Nebraska passed an anti-texting law I knew it would be useless and when I researched it I was right. I won't bore you with the details, you can research it and the one for your state yourself. I would bet your state's texting laws are just as useless. Nebraska'a law was written simply to appease the masses and the victims of texters who have killed or injured people while trying to drive.
    Once again, I got on my soapbox. When it comes to texting and driving I will always get on my soapbox because I have had too many close calls and seen too many others nearly killed because of selfish brain doners.
    I'm outta here. Thank you for allowing me run away at the keyboard and for listening (reading) to me.
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  4. #24
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    I didn't witness this nor can I say that it happened in Russia. All I can say is things can get nasty very quickly!
    Car Crashes into Truck on Icy Roads - Russia April 06 2012 - YouTube

  • #25
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    How bout when Ya pull up to the light and ya look over to see a beautiful girl not paying attention to anything with one finger jammed up to the forth knuckle up her nose......Seen sad !
    Saw this the other day. Girl came up behind me (she was young and petite) and I watched as she vigorously rubbed her nose, then proceeded to bury her "pinky" in her nostril and root around a little. I was taken aback.
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  • #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    THe other day ! saw a buzzard grab a crow that was standing on the lane next to mine, less than 1 yard away from my seat. After a short struggle the buzzard flew off with the crow in its claws. I have never before seen a bird of prey actually catch a prey.

  • #27
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Living in the desert southwest, probably the two funniest things I've seen while driving involves coyotes. The first one, while driving up a slow and winding road, a coyote comes out of the brush, stops in the middle of the road and begins to hunch over. I came to a stop and I swear the thing look me right in the eyes with the thought, "when you got to go..." and proceeded to answer nature's call. When it was done, the coyote wandered back into the bushes. The second one was one of the most mangy and skinny coyotes I've seen, but in its jaws was a big fat hen it had just snatched from a nearby farm. He ate like a king that day.

    As for moronic drivers, I try to keep a safe distance always watchful for the distracted motorist.
    Last edited by ReardenSteel; 08-27-2012 at 06:41 PM.

  • #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Something else I see all the time that absolutely pisses me off is when people don't yield for funeral processions. We just had a motorcyclist hit and killed by someone in a hurry to turn left before the procession got to him.

  • #29
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Default The things you see while driving.

    When I see people not yielding to emergency vehicles it gets my blood boiling too

  • #30
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    I commute everyday via bicycle, I see more and notice far more now than I ever did while driving... some things I wish I could UN-see lol
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