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Thread: Pondering......

  1. #1
    Warrior Saint EMC45's Avatar
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    Default Pondering......

    Why, do tell, is it that when some folks suggest effective methods of reducing violence they are silenced? There has been talk lately of arming school employees after the tragedy (continue to pray for the families please) in CT and people are vehemently opposed to this. It works in a certain school district in TX. We allow armored car drivers to carry a gun to protect money (abominable) who go to our schools and universities, yet wil not allow trained individuals to carry and protect our precious children. The liberal mindset is lunacy. It is based on emotion and knee jerk reaction, not logic, statistical fact or reason. These same liberal politicians who want to take guns are themselves protected by armed guards. I cannot afford an armed security team. Neither can my children.

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  3. #2
    Member: Swerve Swerve's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pondering......

    and why don't they blame the car when a person wrecks and kills someone. drinking or not
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  4. #3
    Member: Swerve Swerve's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pondering......

    And why don't they have a couple dare cops in case of this type of thing specially trained for this type of situation
    Thank you,

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EMC45 View Post
    Why, do tell, is it that when some folks suggest effective methods of reducing violence they are silenced? There has been talk lately of arming school employees after the tragedy (continue to pray for the families please) in CT and people are vehemently opposed to this. It works in a certain school district in TX. We allow armored car drivers to carry a gun to protect money (abominable) who go to our schools and universities, yet wil not allow trained individuals to carry and protect our precious children. The liberal mindset is lunacy. It is based on emotion and knee jerk reaction, not logic, statistical fact or reason. These same liberal politicians who want to take guns are themselves protected by armed guards. I cannot afford an armed security team. Neither can my children.
    When the agenda is to eliminate as many guns as possible, your suggestion doesn't help the cause. And its in times like these that they are most effective in moving the ball forward as they take the opportunity to push this agenda in the wake of a tragedy while emotions are running high. In the weeks ahead you'll hear a lot about how you don't need this or that to hunt animals and such. You'll hear a great many things but you won't hear much about what we were supposed to be accomplishing with the second amendment. Why don't we push home schooling as hard as this after these tragedies?
    MickR, WillN, Costabro and 1 others like this.

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  7. #5
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swerve View Post
    and why don't they blame the car when a person wrecks and kills someone. drinking or not
    That only happens if one is driving a Toyota.
    Furcifer likes this.

  8. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Out of all the discussions about this there have been exactly two ideas that have come out that I personally think have serious merit...

    1. Withhold the name of the Shooters, give them nothing, no infamy just a unmarked grave in potters field (assuming they die)

    2. Off duty police, at every school, perhaps not even visible, perhaps they sit in a back office watch video monitors all day, but they are there.. They can react much faster then anything else, just their pressence and perhaps their patrol car parked out front, is more of a deterrent to trouble then anything else...
    Heck I hired off duty cops at every night club I ran for every busy night we had, it isn't hard to set up...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 12-19-2012 at 04:34 PM.

  9. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to gssixgun For This Useful Post:

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  10. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by EMC45 View Post
    It is based on emotion and knee jerk reaction, not logic, statistical fact or reason.
    Someone put the opposite case in another thread recently, using reasoned argument: here.

  11. #8
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Knee jerk reactions are what the Liberals do best. It doen't make sense to close the barn door if the horses are already out. If some sort of sweeping reforms concerning gun control come about, then you can guarantee it will be filled with all sorts of stuff "they" want to slip pass the American public. If you have any doubts just read the Patriot Act. Do ever wonder why you have to now show your driver's lisence to buy Sudafed, yep you guessed it, it's part of the Patriot Act. I still can't figure out how limiting the amount of pseudoephedrine you can purchase has anything to do with national security. Michael Savage said it best, "Liberalism is a mental disorder". Amen brother.
    Costabro and Wullie like this.

  12. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Adding more guns to the problem isn't a solution. Given the state of affairs in this country there is no solution. If there is enough traction over this they may ban assault weapons and make a few changes but I don't see it making a difference.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  14. #10
    Member: Swerve Swerve's Avatar
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    Default Re: Pondering......

    how about fast access biometric safes throughout schools with reasonable means of pertection. if guns are outlawed the only people with them will be cops, military, and law breakers. plus some people need to hunt to survive.
    Thank you,

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