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Thread: The Constitution?

  1. #41
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sjb4552 View Post
    It never has and it never will, the military is not set up to grow the economy it is her to protect it, its like insurance for your vehicel, does it pay for gas or make it run better, no but if it gets in the poo then its there. Not trying to sound disgruntled or anything just been getting into this lately with alot of people who feel I shouldnt even have a job and the military should be put on the back burner. But I do respect your openion and commend you for voicing your openion.
    It's more like a life insurance. How much do you personally spend on life insurance? 1% of your income? 2% of your income? Military spending of US at present is about 4.75% of the GDP.

    Now imagine you run a muffin making business. You have 10 employess (including yourself) 5 are pretty good and make 120 muffins/day, the other 5 are not so good and make 80 muffins a day, so in total you make 1000 muffins a day. But you only sell 500 muffins a day and the other 500 are just an insurance in case you just happen to get an influx of customers. Oh, and since you don't make enough money you just put 40% of the payroll on your 0% credit card.

    Clearly this is not sustainable, and you understand that at some point the interest on your debt will not be zero. But running your business this way provides job for all those 10 people, which you think is a good thing even if every day you make and then throw away 500 muffins.

    What can you change?

    (1) You think that those 500 extra muffins are not enough of an insurance against the coming muffin shortage and you hire another worker to make an extra 50 muffins (he's not as good as the others, but you are still better prepared for the muffin shortage disaster than you were without him).

    (2) You can fire some workers, and if you have passed 1st grade school math you would fire the 5 workers that are not so good and only have an insurance of 100 extra muffins. You can take those 100 muffins and give 20 each to those 5 workers so that they won't starve, but preferably they'd find something more productive to do with their lives.
    You have no insurance against the muffin shortage disaster, however you do not have to pile any more debt on the credit card (however you still have no left over money to start paying off the debt you've already raked up).

    (3) You can continue charging the payroll on the credit card, but instead of making 1000 muffins you can make 600 muffins and 400 donuts. Then you sell 400 muffins and 400 donuts because the neighborhood cops switched from buying 100 muffins to buying 300 donuts, and you got some new customers who hate muffins but love donuts.
    You do have 200 muffins for the impending muffin shortage apocalypse but due to the extra money you only charge 15% of the payroll on that 0% credit card. You still have not solved your problem.

    (4) You close the muffin business altogether and fire everybody.
    Last edited by gugi; 01-16-2013 at 12:36 AM.

  2. #42
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    Remember how Arizona was sued for enforcing Federal Immigration laws?
    Yes, and the outcome of the lawsuit was that the only thing Arizona was allowed to do is investigate the immigration status of anybody who was stopped, detained, or arrested if there was reasonable suspicion they are in the country illegally. And struck down the other 3 provisions, stipulating that should racial profiling cases arise in the future those would be allowed to go through the courts, and that nobody can be detained for prolonged time for failure to carry immigration documents.

    When 3 out of 4 parts of a state law are overturned, and the only surviving one is watered down, the 20/20 hindsight is that the lawsuit was more than justified. Going by the numbers I'd say it would be fair that the Arizona lawmakers pay back 75% of their salary due to 75% of their job being found rubbish.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Yes, and the outcome of the lawsuit was that the only thing Arizona was allowed to do is investigate the immigration status of anybody who was stopped, detained, or arrested if there was reasonable suspicion they are in the country illegally. And struck down the other 3 provisions, stipulating that should racial profiling cases arise in the future those would be allowed to go through the courts, and that nobody can be detained for prolonged time for failure to carry immigration documents.

    When 3 out of 4 parts of a state law are overturned, and the only surviving one is watered down, the 20/20 hindsight is that the lawsuit was more than justified. Going by the numbers I'd say it would be fair that the Arizona lawmakers pay back 75% of their salary due to 75% of their job being found rubbish.
    I don't agree the lawsuit was justified. Arizona is being overrun with illegals. People are being killed. The State was doing it's job by trying to protect it's citizens.

    Obama was violating his oath again by refusing to enforce laws that were passed and signed into law by previous Presidents. Liberals have done everything possible to keep illegals here because they see potential voters. He just found some pet Judges to rule in his favor.

    This whole racial profiling Political Correctness crud is stupid and suicidal. You can't racially profile so you search old ladies and 4 year olds to prove you are not a bigot.

    Last edited by Crotalus; 01-16-2013 at 02:25 AM.
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  4. #44
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crotalus View Post
    I don't agree the lawsuit was justified.
    Unfortunately for you, you are not the authority on the matter, and the authority has determined the exact opposite.

    Arizona is not a country and it has no citizens. It is a state in a federation and has agreed to abide by the federal rules/laws as the cost of being part of that federation. The time to worry about enforcing illegal immigration laws was before February 14 1912.

  5. #45
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Unfortunately for you, you are not the authority on the matter, and the authority has determined the exact opposite.
    You might feel differently if you lived in a border state and "the authority" certainly is nowhere near the border either. I happen to live in a border state about 72 miles from the Mexican border and I can tell you without a doubt we have problems down here "the authority" can't imagine. If they feds aren't going to enforce their own laws, then maybe the states need to take the reins and that's just what Jan Brewer and others are trying to do here in Arizona.
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  6. #46
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ReardenSteel View Post
    You might feel differently if you lived in a border state and "the authority" certainly is nowhere near the border either. I happen to live in a border state about 72 miles from the Mexican border and I can tell you without a doubt we have problems down here "the authority" can't imagine. If they feds aren't going to enforce their own laws, then maybe the states need to take the reins and that's just what Jan Brewer and others are trying to do here in Arizona.
    I am sorry if you feel your system of government sucks, but that doesn't mean you get to make up your own rules. Your only two options are to enact the changes you want through the established system, or try to overturn it by force.

  7. #47
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    I am sorry if you feel your system of government sucks, but that doesn't mean you get to make up your own rules. Your only two options are to enact the changes you want through the established system, or try to overturn it by force.
    Don't you mean "our" system government? I seem to recall you mentioning in some thread some time ago you live in the land of opportunity as well, so that would make it your system of government as well.

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  9. #48
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Sure, but I haven't voted for over a decade. I have more productive ways to spend my time.

  10. #49
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Sure, but I haven't voted for over a decade. I have more productive ways to spend my time.
    And THERE you have it, folks! I surely vote, in spite of it all! Can't help it!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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  12. #50
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    And THERE you have it, folks! I surely vote, in spite of it all! Can't help it!
    Don't feel too bad, almost 60% of the eligible people do like you.

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