Quote Originally Posted by Aerdvaark View Post

It's really NOT funny though...
The joke is on US!
Every store or restaurant I walk into nowadays has a big sticker on the window, NO E-CIGARETTES ALLOWED".
Really makes me steam, but I HATE steam!!
I still stealth vape everywhere, because I know there are NO second hand whatever issues.
I'm going to disagree with you there. No matter how you slice it, you are still puffing on nicotine. And that my friend, is an addictive drug. All the people I know who "quit" smoking and took up vaping are now just as addicted to their vape as they were to the burning butt.
And i for one do NOT want to breathe in your exhaled vaper. Its still full of crap that I dont want to inhale, and there is no denying or getting around that.

Not to mention, I have been in the home of some heavy vape users, and the walls and furniture have this "sticky" feeling to them from vape residue.
Blech! and Yuck!
But thats just my opinion =P