I got rid of all my old stuff too as it was taking up an entire drawer of space. As far as the sticky, thats because people dont clean. There is 3 vape users in my house and its not sticky here. Glass cleaner, furniture polish, vacuumes. It takes care of the issue. Only people who dont clean regularly have this issue.

Now in my truck and when the temps are cold outside, I get a coating on my windows. I have to wash them every other day on the inside to keep it at bay. I regularly clean the inside of my cab so no problem there.

I'm still wondering about how this vape thing is harmful. Its got to be somehow. Besides the nic put into our bodies as we know thats not good. I've read where people have tested it and say its as bad as smoking and ive read some that say just the opisite. Guess if I live for the next 20 years I'll find out the truth.