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Thread: Anyone else an Air Gun shooter?

  1. #21
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterClean View Post
    Proud Marine Dad is right, Springers are the air guns that can destroy scopes, they do require a special "air gun" scope. PCP air guns use high pressure air for their power source and kick less than a .22 short you can use any scope you like. BTW the people at Leopold told me all their scopes are rated for air guns across the board. Freddie
    Thanks to you and Proud Marine Dad. I find it very interesting about the Leopold Scopes as that was the manufacturer that was used as an example by the website that I bought the scope for my little air rifle for.

    Others have mentioned that the scopes didn't work well on their rifles. Many years after I'd gotten the little 120 I picked up a Winchester 1000 (made by daisy) and mounted the scope to it. It never would hold true! However putting it back on the 120 and it holds right on the money time after time.

    Thanks again for the insight :
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  2. #22
    Senior Member MisterClean's Avatar
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    Just so you know, 1000 fps is a lot for a lowly .177. 750 to 850 fps would be ideal. When pellet guns begin to break the sound barrier pellets tend to spiral at longer distances and accuracy is out the window. A good way to counter this is to use heavier pellets to slow the fps. Freddie
    Last edited by MisterClean; 03-10-2016 at 01:02 PM. Reason: spelling
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  3. #23
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterClean View Post
    Just so you know, 1000 fps is a lot for a lowly .177. 750 to 850 fps would be ideal. When pellet guns begin to break the sound barrier they tend to spiral at longer distances and accuracy is out the window. A good way to counter this is to use heavier pellets to slow the fps. Freddie
    Yes. The one my landlord got was a .22. I think mine is rated at 800. I have noticed that the Gamo ammo is very accurate in it while the daisy stuff, notsomuch.

    This may explain why a buddy got a 1000 fps .177 and I could not hit nearly as well with it.
    It was consistently inconsistent!

    BTW, I had heard that before about the air gun specific scopes.
    Don't think I shall put a 200 dollar scope on my 100 dollar pellet gun, though!
    Last edited by sharptonn; 03-10-2016 at 01:19 AM.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  4. #24
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    My resident "air killer" showed up today. I have not had to use my Gamo 177 since we moved here.

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  5. #25
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Don't think I shall put a 200 dollar scope on my 100 dollar pellet gun, though!
    You can always move the scope. I have driven many beater cars in my life and buy the best battery I can afford which has be arguably as much as the car was worth. I think my best was four cars with the same battery. I shoot a lot of archery and have 2 expensive sight setups that I move all the time. The last bow I bought was $200 used and the sight I have on it was over $500 new. 2 screws and about a half hour of playing is all it takes to change.
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  6. #26
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    I don't shoot air guns anymore, but I had quite a few when I was a kid. Parents knew it'd be cheaper and I could just shoot cans and stuff in my back yard. This was also back when people were a little less freaked out seeing a kid setting up targets and plinking away with his friends. My favorite was I think a crosman M1911 style pistol, all metal fabrication. It could shoot single pellets or darts, or hold upto 20ish bb's. No blowback, no co-2. Wasn't the most accurate but quite entertaining and no fussing with CO2 cartridges.

    @32t: 4 cars and one battery?! Sounds like a demolition derby driver I used to work with in college...

  7. #27
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I haven't shot an air rifle since back in the 60's. I have been looking at them but really don't know which would be a the right one for me. And now days they offer so many different cal. for different uses. I wonder which would be an all around cal. and rifle for my use. Small game and target. I'm older now and use a scope rifle mostly. Just wondering where i should start the search. any ideas.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by dinnermint View Post

    @32t: 4 cars and one battery?! Sounds like a demolition derby driver I used to work with in college...
    8 years or so on the battery and my wife totaled one of the vehicles.

    Sold the battery with the cash for clunkers program!
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  9. #29
    Senior Member MisterClean's Avatar
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    I think the HW30,HW50 or HW95 in .177 or .22 would be the most bang for the buck. German made, adjustable trigger, accurate, 11mm scope rail. Wheirauch pronounced "Whyrock" is the leading spring company in the air gun world. All of these models are in the $300.00 range. That might sound like a lot for an air gun but we are talking serious quality. Freddie

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  11. #30
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterClean View Post
    I think the HW30,HW50 or HW95 in .177 or .22 would be the most bang for the buck. German made, adjustable trigger, accurate, 11mm scope rail. Wheirauch pronounced "Whyrock" is the leading spring company in the air gun world. All of these models are in the $300.00 range. That might sound like a lot for an air gun but we are talking serious quality. Freddie
    I will start looking on the web and in my local era.I'v looked at walmart and it seems that the .177 pellet is more available than the 22. This might make a difference in what cal. i get then again i may be able to order pellets just as available. Thanks for the info on the gun.
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