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Thread: What defensive round do you carry?

  1. #21
    Senior Member karlej's Avatar
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    My home defense gun is a 40 Smith & Wesson Sigma loaded with Black Talon. That being said there is something to be said for a shotgun loaded with birdshot for house defense. Depending on the gun they can be a little long in a confined space but there is no issue with the round going through multiple walls. At 7 feet the shot is still in a tight column and bad news for the intruder.
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  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    My carry rounds, aren't anything special I like hardball for my .45 I think the most important thing is find an ammo your weapon handles and shoots straight with and practice. And having a slow moving round like a .45 cap just the shock value when it hits does the job. I remember the fast 5.56 rounds hitting the enemy and not slowing them down, but that .45 ball throwing them over the berms, not to mention the 12 gauge with buckshot, I buy good rounds, I want reliability, but nothing spectacular
    . Tc
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  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yup, agree a lot to think about. If you use a handgun there will probably be a law suit in the aftermath, if you survive. And maybe even if you don’t.

    Civilian carry is not like in the movies, where one shot saves the day and blows the bad guy across the room.

    Anything a bullet in flight hits will affect the path, how it affects the trajectory, is not predictable. Problem with Gel test/hype is, folks are not made from Gel or water bottles and as his test show, shot placement matters. Gel test are hype, yes it will tell you about bullet performance in controlled conditions, but not real world.

    The trick is surviving, the gunfight. Home Defense is different from concealed carry, and a change of ammo or a dedicated firearm, might be in order.

    Great, inexpensive, small, handgun high illumination lights, with grip pressure switches are available, easy to install and probably, a more effective solution than the ammunition.

    Be careful out there, think about what you do and will do and carry.

    When it hits the fan, all your planning goes out the window, and you will immediately revert to your training… if your training is weak or non-existent…
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  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by karlej View Post
    My home defense gun is a 40 Smith & Wesson Sigma loaded with Black Talon. That being said there is something to be said for a shotgun loaded with birdshot for house defense. Depending on the gun they can be a little long in a confined space but there is no issue with the round going through multiple walls. At 7 feet the shot is still in a tight column and bad news for the intruder.
    If I were to avert from whats in my 12 now, I might consider the first round #4 Buck or a Goose round, not a # 6 or 7 bird round.
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  5. #25
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    My main carry/pocket piece is a Ruger LC9s.
    I use Federal Premium Personal Protection Hyda Shok's 135g.
    They shoot fine, don't jam and are usually available at my local Wally World.

    Pete <:-}
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  6. #26
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    My main carry is a "cute" Seecamp .32 It goes with me everywhere, and every time. Even when I am carrying my Glock, its in a pocket somewhere. Almost undetectable in almost every circumstance. Unfortunately, the only ammo available to me up in this part of NY is Hornandy Custom 60gr. XTP, which I believe are similar to their Crit. Def. rounds. I cant complain, as I have never had a failure using this ammo, and thats the most important thing.

    In the Glock (.380) I have the last of my old Cor-bon ammo in the spare, and Federal Premium Home Defense 90gr as the main carry.

    And before anybody chimes in with a "32 is too small" comment, keep in mind I have witnessed a man killed by 22. SHORT ammo, so, yea, no its not!
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  7. #27
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    I have used and will continue to use FMJ for both .45 cal and 9mm. Have had a lot of experience with both calibers and FMJ works best for me. However, use whatever allows you to hit what you are aiming at. Real life isn't like Hollywood!
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  8. #28
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    I run 230gr FMJ in my EDC .45
    These rounds are the ones my weapon likes and is very accurate with.

    In a situation you lose all of your fine motor skills so train train and train some more

    And IF my .338 Lapua comes out, well let's just say it got really serious and I have to end it if I can

    Home defense is a 12ga with goose shot in it. I live way off the beaten path and don't have to worry about anything behind my shot but the backdoor
    gssixgun, EMC45, Wid and 2 others like this.
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  9. #29
    Senior Member Chugach68's Avatar
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    Corbon plus p 9mm. 115 grain has more kinetic energy than standard 45. If I carry one of my 45's I will use various hollow points and plus p hollow points.
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  10. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chugach68 View Post
    Corbon plus p 9mm. 115 grain has more kinetic energy than standard 45. If I carry one of my 45's I will use various hollow points and plus p hollow points.
    I'm surprised a 115 grain 9mm has more energy than 230 grain .45. Very surprised actually.

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk
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