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Thread: What defensive round do you carry?

  1. #41
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal View Post
    Those are a little strange. Usually the polymer insert is there to ensure that the round expands - something 'traditional' expanding rounds may not do if they hit heavy clothing first. But the Guard Dog rounds seem to scoop out a little more lead and stuff in a little more polymer.

    I'm kinda w/ you Hirlau. I like a little more lead and a little less plastic. But, as with almost every round I've looked at I will say this - I'm not gonna volunteer to stand down range and catch one. So they'll probably get the job done.
    I'm with you,,,,

  2. #42
    Veteran Maryland998's Avatar
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    Federal HyraShok. Why?
    Because the local Police carry it.
    If forced to use my pistol. In my Very Anti Gun state. I do not need the extra liability of having to defend my choice in ammunition.
    Also as said before. Training and regular trips to the range will always be more important to your effectiveness in a life and death encounter. Than what ammunition you use. But care should be taken in its choice as well. For me this is in the same spectrum as the "what caliber is best". Everyone's opinions,reasons and choices will be different. Doesn't make any of them wrong. My $.02. Ken
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  3. #43
    Senior Member GreenRipper's Avatar
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    In my carry guns I've been loading with Hornady Critical Defense because I'm a fan on the polymer plugs but I'm also very aware of the over-penetration and the risks involved with a miss. Yes, I admit that in a violent confrontation the odds of me hitting with 100% of my shots is a very low possibility and the vast majority of shooters are in the same club (even if they don't believe it.)

    At home I'm a big fan of a 12 gauge with buckshot, not only due to my own predilections but because my wife does not like handguns, for which she has a good reason. Of course if anyone thinks this means she's anti-gun or can't shoot you can come visit us on the trap field.

    And because I see the threat of the caliber holy-war:

    Easy guys, I love both of these rounds! The .40 S&W? Not so much but YMMV and Mr. Noir takes his poke at the compromise crowd as well.
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  4. #44
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    A 9mm kills your body, but the .45? That kills your soul. /awkwardly long pause/

    Funny as the caliber/gun wars can be, I don't really get into them. When a 9mm/Glock guy wants to give me guff for carrying a .45 1911, I always respond the same way I would if I carried a 9mm Glock and someone from the other crowd wanted to trash that.

    "So, what do you say we meet up at the range and you can stand down there with the targets and catch a couple. Show me how bad the round really is."

    To date, no one has taken me up on the offer.

    Way I see it, no one likes to leak. And the best gun/round to have is the one that's in your hands when you need it.
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  5. #45
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    For the efficacy of the 9mm see post # 38 above where a fellow was shot 23 times with 9mm by NYPD.

    Not only did he live, to tell the tale, but now he's spending the millions from the settlement with NYPD.
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  6. #46
    Senior Member Razorfaust's Avatar
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    Yep well this is certainly the "Tape vs No tape" discussion of firearms enthusiast. I personally love the 1911 and 45acp. Used one in the Army and well I went with what I know. I'll never get to carry one ever cause I live in New Jersey. You have a better chance winning the lotto than getting a CCW in this state. I can only tra la la to the range and back and hope a state trooper doesn't stop me for a tail light malfunction. As for home defense Mossberg 500 and cut shells. talk about stopping power lol.
    Last edited by Razorfaust; 01-22-2017 at 07:08 PM.
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  7. #47
    Senior Member GreenRipper's Avatar
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    In all sincerity, I carry a 9mm and it has a lot more to do with comfort than anything. I wanted a sidearm that I wouldn't hesitate to grab on any given morning that I could carry all day and didn't have to worry about "dressing to my carry" choice. In the end I went with a M&P Shield and I love the little thing. This doesn't change the fact that I also love the .45 ACP but I simply don't feel the need to haul around that much weight in my waistband.

    I will warn anyone that loves to denigrate certain rounds over another with anecdotal evidence, it is worthwhile to take a look at the FBI's database regarding police shootings. That data, collected over decades of police incidents, shows a very high correlation between lethality and shot placement with little to no correlation in regards to caliber. The FBI database is also very nice place to go if you want to get solid data on police shootings and the ethnic extractions of those individuals.

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