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Thread: 51 MG restoration.

  1. #1851
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Just might be able to work something out For that.
    Gave my kid a GoPro he never used, might be able to strap it to the mirror or something.
    Remounted the rear license plate tonight in further preparation for the rip..
    Figure if I get pulled over without a front plate,, well that’s just dickish.
    Nah. Mount that thing in the back where we can see over your shoulder while you're stylin' and profilin'.

    And if you do get pulled over start talking car stuff. Maybe he'll forget about the ticket.
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  2. #1852
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaulFLUS View Post
    I had a chance to buy an MGB/GT just like that one in British Racing Green when I was about 18 but the guy wouldn't sell it to me. It was a good friend's brother in law and he thought I wasn't up to the task of owning it. I was pissed at the time but in retrospect I see that he did me a favor. Shortly thereafter I bought my '68 BMW 1600 (which was where I really learned to work on cars) and learned my lesson that way instead. Of course then it turned into hotrods and I was thoroughly sunk and doomed to be forever under the hood.
    Thanks for this. I am not trying to hijack this wonderful thread, so apologies to the OP and I'll let it get back on track right after this.

    My father loved his MG, but he was always under the hood or under the car fixing it. Always. That's what I remember. It truly was drive it - fix it - drive it - fix it over and over again.

    I had the same issue when I was into Audi automobiles. I had quite a few Audi automobiles in my lifetime. They are extremely well designed cars, highly engineered, and wonderful to own..... until they break down. Then lord help you. Big bucks, and high skill required to fix them. I had an Audi A8 (flagship) that lost AC once. They had to tear the entire dash out of the car and replace two solenoids that were attached to the heater core. When you engaged AC, the solenoids shut off the coolant flow to the heater core so the AC could work. Those froze open so AC would blow across a hot heater core rendering it useless. It was a $3,000 repair to fix that, in 2002! Ouch. No more high end German imports for me, thats for sure.

    But an MG is a passion for most. Cudos to the OP here for what he's doing and has done. Very well done indeed.
    Last edited by ZipZop; 06-23-2022 at 11:51 PM.
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  3. #1853
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    23 months between drives but a picture perfect day for a few turns around the block.
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    Steering is stiffer than before, and there is a squeal from the brakes when not stepped on, I think is from the disks. Mgb are prone to squeaks in the disks I’m told. These came from an mgb so more research required.
    I did get her up to 50 mph and tried to bed the disks in on a quiet stretch after filling the tank up.
    Tank don’t leak and the fuel light went out as it should.
    Aside from a still lingering oil drip that may have me pulling the pan again, she’s safely passsed the first road test beautifully and I am still smiling.
    Cheers gents, time to finish her body panels and bumpers..
    Last edited by MikeB52; 06-23-2022 at 11:55 PM.
    "Depression is just anger,, without the enthusiasm."
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  4. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to MikeB52 For This Useful Post:

    Cangooner (06-24-2022), Gasman (06-24-2022), JP5 (06-25-2022), nipper (06-25-2022), petercp4e (06-24-2022), rolodave (06-24-2022), sharptonn (06-24-2022), tintin (06-25-2022), ZipZop (06-24-2022)

  5. #1854
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    23 months between drives but a picture perfect day for a few turns around the block.

    Steering is stiffer than before, and there is a squeal from the brakes when not stepped on, I think is from the disks. Mgb are prone to squeaks in the disks I’m told. These came from an mgb so more research required.
    I did get her up to 50 mph and tried to bed the disks in on a quiet stretch after filling the tank up.
    Tank don’t leak and the fuel light went out as it should.
    Aside from a still lingering oil drip that may have me pulling the pan again, she’s safely passsed the first road test beautifully and I am still smiling.
    Cheers gents, time to finish her body panels and bumpers..
    Good show my friend, good show indeed!
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  6. #1855
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    After 23 months today is the day that makes it all worth while, not only for you, but for all of us that have been watching from the beginning.
    Congratulations again!!
    You should be very, very proud!

    Pete <:-}
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  7. #1856
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Them Bias tires give yah a nice bumpy ride ?

  8. #1857
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Did yah get the shifter figured out ?
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  9. #1858
    JP5 is offline
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    Awesome! Nice seeing it all come together. You should be proud, getting it back on the road looking that good. I would pay to ride in a car like that.
    - Joshua

  10. #1859
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    My shifter with the offset works well, although I probably will tweak it a bit more to ease the shift, but it works.
    Tires, with nylon cords and all aren’t that bad for their age but I think a new set of rubber all around is in order as these are like 40 years old, even though they have great treadlife still.
    Thinking Michelins.
    Went over the car after the test and found there is play in the front hubs, might be where my squeak was coming from. Will tear the fronts back off tomorrow and take a look. Make sure everything is right.
    But hell that was a fun couple rips.
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  11. #1860
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Get you a tire-tool and some flat bar young man! Fix the shifter!
    Sounds like a solid start! Bet you turned some heads!
    cudarunner, MikeB52 and Gasman like this.

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