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Thread: My first firearm purchase...disaster

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    I feel for you, animal, since I've watched tracked mail go 1000's of miles to go 200. it'll work out if you & he seller stay patient.
    Just call me Harold
    A bad day at the beach is better than a good day at work!

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth bluesman7's Avatar
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    Wow! I've never had any problem with the USPS. I'm actually very impressed with our postal service. Hopefully your problem will resolve itself soon.

  3. #13
    Senior Member animalwithin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluesman7 View Post
    Wow! I've never had any problem with the USPS. I'm actually very impressed with our postal service. Hopefully your problem will resolve itself soon.
    Me neither bluesman! I've shipped dozens of packages through USPS, even in the midst of the busiest holidays seasons and never once had a package not get delivered in the time allotted.

  4. #14
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    I feel for you brother!! Like John said if it all possible try buying guns in person and not online.. Please dont take what im saying as im picking on you in any way or form.. There are a number of reputable online dealers like Buds or Northern Fre Arms i believe.. You can get guns from places like these for great prices.. Being your 1st firearm purchase for you im sure you were nervous and probably a little scared which is totally understandable.. Very easy for a lot of us who have grown up with firearms and everything involved with them to forget that.for a lot of people it is a huge decision they are making... I also see you are in California? I do not know all the different gun laws but i do know your state is very,very strict on their gun laws and a lot of guns Cali does not allow to be shipped into their state from other states.. California might even have a hold law or something like that? Good to hear the seller seams to be cool also for you.. Never heard of any bad comments about Gyns International either.. A friendly few suggestions are either when your check is voided and that is what happens find yourself a reputable gunshop by you if possible and handle so to speak a number of rifles and let whoever is helping you know this will be your 1st rifle and your intents with it.. Rifles can be like clothes fitting your body.. Some too big, too small, too heavy, etc.. Rifles and guns in general person to person specific depending a lot of your size. If it gets resolved with the check and you do get your rifle fantastic.. Have you happened to get ahold of Guns International and let them know about this? Can i ask what caliber you went with? I had a Sako Hunter Synthetic for awhile and never had an issue with it and Sako gets very good reviews overall.. I tell you what that Mannlicher in Walnut which i believe is what you are trying to get is STUNNING!! Im sorry i keep going on here but im hoping that having a bad or stressful 1st time gun buy does not stray you away from a gun purchase or your desire to become a hunter.. Hunter numbers are dropping and dont like to see that... Also I almost possitive Glen (gssixgun) owns or owned/gunsmith a custom gun shop and he might be a valuable contact? After my 2000 word response a lot of times i can only get on the forum every 5-7 days and i can end up responding quite late to posts.. So if you have got this resolved allready and this was a worthless response to you i am sorry Really hope everything works out for you and you become a life long gun enthusiast and hunter..
    Peace! Scott
    Last edited by TCMichigander; 02-09-2020 at 04:36 AM.
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  5. #15
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    Just saw that it is chambered in .260 remington.. I have always been into the under the radar, not real common rounds.. Have a .257 Roberts and .358 Browning BLR now.. Ive thought about the ..260 and read good ballistics on the round. I am betting you will really enjoy it..
    Take care!!
    animalwithin and jfk742 like this.

  6. #16
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    But think of all the animals that will now survive your hobby.
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  7. #17
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by easyace View Post
    But think of all the animals that will now survive your hobby.

    "Ya Gotta Kill It If you Wanna Grill it"
    --Quoting Ted Nugent

    Not any different then buying meat at the store--Except that the meat at the store was killed and processed by mass production.
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

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  8. #18
    Senior Member animalwithin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TCMichigander View Post
    I feel for you brother!! Like John said if it all possible try buying guns in person and not online.. Please dont take what im saying as im picking on you in any way or form.. There are a number of reputable online dealers like Buds or Northern Fre Arms i believe.. You can get guns from places like these for great prices.. Being your 1st firearm purchase for you im sure you were nervous and probably a little scared which is totally understandable.. Very easy for a lot of us who have grown up with firearms and everything involved with them to forget that.for a lot of people it is a huge decision they are making... I also see you are in California? I do not know all the different gun laws but i do know your state is very,very strict on their gun laws and a lot of guns Cali does not allow to be shipped into their state from other states.. California might even have a hold law or something like that? Good to hear the seller seams to be cool also for you.. Never heard of any bad comments about Gyns International either.. A friendly few suggestions are either when your check is voided and that is what happens find yourself a reputable gunshop by you if possible and handle so to speak a number of rifles and let whoever is helping you know this will be your 1st rifle and your intents with it.. Rifles can be like clothes fitting your body.. Some too big, too small, too heavy, etc.. Rifles and guns in general person to person specific depending a lot of your size. If it gets resolved with the check and you do get your rifle fantastic.. Have you happened to get ahold of Guns International and let them know about this? Can i ask what caliber you went with? I had a Sako Hunter Synthetic for awhile and never had an issue with it and Sako gets very good reviews overall.. I tell you what that Mannlicher in Walnut which i believe is what you are trying to get is STUNNING!! Im sorry i keep going on here but im hoping that having a bad or stressful 1st time gun buy does not stray you away from a gun purchase or your desire to become a hunter.. Hunter numbers are dropping and dont like to see that... Also I almost possitive Glen (gssixgun) owns or owned/gunsmith a custom gun shop and he might be a valuable contact? After my 2000 word response a lot of times i can only get on the forum every 5-7 days and i can end up responding quite late to posts.. So if you have got this resolved allready and this was a worthless response to you i am sorry Really hope everything works out for you and you become a life long gun enthusiast and hunter..
    Peace! Scott
    Thank you Scott! Your message was neither picky nor worthless and I appreciate your advice. Sadly, the rifle was sold and USPS still has no clue where my cashiers check is. I filed a Missing Mail search and a claim, spoke to a handful of USPS reps, and it's still stuck "In Transit" with no specific location for well over two weeks now.

    I'm definitely anxious regarding this being my first firearm purchase, just really excited and eager which is why this has been frustrating thus far. I get what you're saying about rifles being like clothing. I have tried the Sako in person, however, and I loved it. The seller has been very nice and understanding and he's a verified seller on GunsInternational. I didn't contact GI though, I'm not sure if they could really do anything. I have an FFL ready in place to accept the firearm and the seller had no issue shipping to California although I''m aware some do because it's a headache.

    This will NOT stray me from guns/hunting! I'm completely obsessed with Mannlicher rifles. Something about a full stock in beautiful wood just looks stunning. I too am a fan of the oddball cartridges as well. I look forward to many years in nature, traveling and hunting.

    Didn't know Glen owns/owned a custom gun shop!

    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post

    "Ya Gotta Kill It If you Wanna Grill it"
    --Quoting Ted Nugent

    Not any different then buying meat at the store--Except that the meat at the store was killed and processed by mass production.
    Indeed. Nothing against farmers but mass processing of meat is no way to treat an animal or provide healthy food. It's unfortunately a by-product of huge populations and mass consumerism.
    easyace and jfk742 like this.

  9. #19
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    Sorry to hear that this is still on going for you.. I just recall when having Glen make some scales for me his website link to his straight razor business gave some of his history and almost certain there was owning a gun shop or cutom builder in that bio.. Not 100% on that though.. Keep us posted on how this goes and when you do purchase your rifle id love to hear what you get!
    Take care! Scott W
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  10. #20
    Senior Member Portsecurity's Avatar
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    Hope you got your money back before the big lockdown. I also enjoy the under the radar calibers. I have an old Swedish Mauser in 6.5x55, very easy to shoot and a good deer rifle, although my favorite hunting rifle is what my grandfather carried: a Savage 99 in .300 Savage. Anyway, I hope you are well and will soon join the ranks of gun owners and hunters.
    animalwithin and PaulFLUS like this.

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